A South Dakota Woman Went To The Hospital For Kidney Stones And Gave Birth To Triplets

A South Dakota Woman Went To The Hospital For Kidney Stones And Gave Birth To Triplets

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Dannette Giltz had experienced this kind of sharp pain before. The South Dakota woman knew what kidney stones felt like. She believed she was having that familiar pain all over again. She quickly headed to the emergency room for treatment. However, doctors found something else, and it wasn’t stoned. Giltz was actually in labor and soon enough, gave birth to triplets.

Dannette Giltz had experienced this kind of sharp pain before. The South Dakota woman knew what kidney stones felt like. She believed she was having that familiar pain all over again. She quickly headed to the emergency room for treatment. However, doctors found something else, and it wasn’t stoned. Giltz was actually in labor and soon enough, gave birth to triplets.

A South Dakota Woman Went To The Hospital For Kidney Stones And Gave Birth To Triplets

Blaze, Gypsy, and Nikki are doing well and now join their older brother and little sister in the family. Mama Giltz is still blown away by the news. When doctors quickly diagnosed her pregnancy, twins were expected. However, the nurse reached for another blanket to make it three.

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Women’s Health magazine reported that the 34-year-old underwent a C-section that evening. Giltz really thought that kidney stone surgery was going to happen.

She’s still baffled about the triplets. She and her husband Austin Giltz couldn’t figure out how triplets could be conceived naturally. More stunning is that the mom had no idea she was pregnant even at 34 weeks.

The family is overjoyed and overwhelmed. Papa Giltz says “It’s still exploding in my head.” To go from thinking his wife had kidney stones to a woman that gave birth to triplets is spectacular. For one thing, she never experienced morning sickness. Also, she never felt the babies kicking.

Newsweek reported that the actual labor only took four minutes, and boom, the Giltz triplets had arrived in the world.

Their small South Dakota town has been a wonderful community of support. Residents there have donated a lot of supplies to help the new family of seven adjust. Dannette and Austin Giltz are extremely touched by everyone’s kindness and generosity.

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Mama Giltz has a good friend who went to social media to raise funds to help the growing family. A Facebook fundraiser was recently held online to help the Giltz family raise a goal of $500.

The friend, Isabella Kimberly Marie Moelter, reports that a total of $1,899 was raised. The Giltz family is ecstatic, and the money will be put to great use.

Mr. and Mrs. Giltz are right. The odds of conceiving triplets naturally is almost impossible. The splitting of a fertilized egg happens at random. The statistics tell the story.

For instance, conceiving triplets naturally occurs once in every 9,000 births.

For those couples who seek fertility assistance, the numbers are 1 in every 40.

Surely, having triplets naturally does happen but not often. Dannette Giltz is one of very few who gave birth to triplets. She was having a high-risk pregnancy but didn’t even know. 

Obstetricians agree that carrying triplets is not easy for any mom-to-be. There is strain on the back and pelvic pain. There is an increase in swelling, a chance for complications and a chance of developing diabetes. 

The Giltz family is doing well and happy they are all thriving. The so-called kidney stones attack turned out to be a wonderful gift from above. Blaze, Gypsy, and Nikki are triple blessings.


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