It is a well-known fact HGH is produced by the body, and as an individual grows older the production begins to slow. Unfortunately, when this happens most individuals don’t really know what is going on, but the body will be going through horrible changes that leave this individual in turmoil. With all of this being said, you might even be surprised to learn that both children and adults can be diagnosed with this horrible condition. In fact, more and more children are being diagnosed with this condition every year and this is why it is imperative to make sure that you know exactly how to test for HGH deficiency.

What Exactly Does HGH Do In The Body?
Growth hormone is an essential hormone that is needed for the normal growth and development in children. It not only helps a child develop proper linear bone growth from birth, but it does this all the way through puberty. As for when you reach the adult stages, this growth hormone is responsible for regulating the rate at which your body produces energy from food, the way it makes lipids, proteins, and glucose. In addition to this, it also helps with the regulation of red blood cells and muscle mass.
When Children Should Get Tested
When it comes to dealing with HGH deficiency in children, one of the most important things is to know when to get your child tested. If you have a child that is experiencing slow growth, has a short stature, or delayed development, these all might be signs that your child needs to be tested. Sometimes, the HGH deficiency can even be present at birth. However, there are some instances when it may take until the age of two or three to show up.
Your child will probably be much shorter than the other children in his class, your child will not have normal body proportions, and your child’s face might appear to look younger than the other children. As far as older children go, HGH deficiency can often time delay the onset of puberty. There might even be some situations, depending on the severity of the condition when puberty doesn’t even kick in at all.
Heeding To The Warning Signs (Adult)
Many medical experts will determine their adult patient has human growth hormone deficiency through a head-to-toe examination and other tests. During the examination, the physician will look for signs linked to adult growth hormone deficiency. Depression, anxiety, decreased sexual function, feeling of being isolated, greater sensitivity to cold and heat, reduced stamina, reduced bone density and changes in the makeup of blood cholesterol are all signs of the condition.
Related Link: 5 Best Foods to Prevent Hormonal Imbalance in Women (and 5 Foods to Avoid)
Once the physician collects this information, he/she will then decide which tests are appropriate for determining an actual diagnosis. Patients with adult growth hormone deficiency have higher triglyceride levels and low-density lipoproteins.
Higher levels of triglycerides and cholesterol increase the risk of heart attack, heart disease, and stroke. If your tests show a higher than normal triglyceride level, your physician will recommend dietary modifications and medications.
Blood Tests
Believe it or not, there is an abundance of tests and exams that can help diagnose growth hormone deficiency. Each test is also designed to try to pinpoint the precise cause of the problem. The binding protein levels blood test is one of the most common. This test is designed to determine whether or not the growth problem is being caused by the pituitary gland. There are also blood tests that measure the specific levels of HGH in the body. Others will determine the levels of other hormones produced by the pituitary gland. Other possible tests that can be used to detect HGH deficiency include the growth hormone
Your doctor will be able to determine which test is best for your unique situation.
Other Exams
Pretty much everyone will be required to take a blood test to determine whether or not they’re suffering from an HGH deficiency. They may also be required to submit to other exams and tests. A DXA or dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry can be helpful for measuring bone density. The doctor may also decide to take an MRI of the brain, so they can get a better look at the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland. The doctor may also take X-rays of your hands and head. All of these tests can be used to diagnose an HGH deficiency.
Preparing For The Tests
A lot of people are afraid of the doctor. This is far more common than you might imagine. The good news is that the tests for HGH deficiency are pretty basic. In fact, they can normally be completed right in the clinic, so you do not need to visit a hospital. Just make sure that you’re aware of the procedure ahead of time. Knowing what to expect will make things go much smoother. You may also want a friend or family member by your side for support. Otherwise, the testing should be straightforward and simple. It will be over before you know it.