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Feel Exhausted? Your Body Needs You to Consume These Foods

Feel Exhausted Your Body Needs You to Consume These Foods

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When life leaves you to feel exhausted, you may rely on energy drinks to function. This may seem like the easiest solution, but after the effects wear off, the crash can leave you more exhausted. A few simple changes to your diet could be your solution. A healthy diet will energize you. If you always feel exhausted, you need to consume these common foods.

Feel Exhausted Your Body Needs You to Consume These Foods

Green Tea

Green tea has less caffeine than coffee or energy drinks. That is a good thing. The smaller amount of caffeine will still energize you, but you will not get the crash when the caffeine wears off. Avoid adding sugar, to avoid insulin spikes and crashes. Green tea offers other health benefits.

Improves brain function
Protects your cells from damage
Provides amino acids
Increases metabolism and fat burning
Protects you from some forms of cancer
Protects heart health


One of the first signs of dehydration is fatigue. You should be drinking at least 64 oz of fluids each day to maintain proper hydration. The best fluid to keep you hydrated is water. Your body is made mostly of water. There are many reasons to be sure you drink your fair share.

Increases energy levels
Reduces headaches
Improves muscle performance
Promotes weight loss
Flushes toxins from your body

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds absorb ten times their weight in water, which will help you stay hydrated. You can sprinkle chia seeds on a salad, oatmeal or yogurt, or grind them into a smoothie. Chia seeds have the perfect ratio of protein, fiber and fat to keep your body energized throughout the day. There are several other reasons to include chia seeds in your healthy diet.

Related Link: What Happens in Your Body When You Eat Soaked Chia Seeds Regularly

Can ease acid reflux
High in omega three fatty acids
High in Magnesium
Good source of protein
Reduces inflammation in your body


A Handful of almonds (23 nuts) has only 162 calories and will fuel your body to maintain your energy. Almonds are an easy snack to keep handy. A single serving will provide 14 grams of heart-healthy unsaturated fat. There are many reasons to include almonds in your diet.

A serving provides six grams of protein
High in vitamin E to protect cells
High in Manganese and Magnesium
Your body does not absorb 10-15% of the calories
Helps maintain blood sugar levels
Helps to lower cholesterol


Oatmeal is high in fiber and low on the glycemic index. This means you can enjoy your oatmeal without it messing with your blood sugar levels. When you avoid foods high in sugar and carbohydrates, you prevent blood sugar crashes that will make you feel more exhausted. Flavor your oatmeal with fresh fruit or cinnamon. Oatmeal is a healthy food choice for many reasons.

Water-soluble fiber
Can lower bad cholesterol
High in antioxidants that will protect your cells
Gluten free
Very filling so you eat less later

You should eat these foods as part of a healthy diet that is high in lean protein, high in colored vegetables (especially green), and moderate in whole grains, fruits and heart-healthy fats. When you add these foods to your healthy eating plan, your energy levels will improve. You will not feel exhausted when you include these common foods as part of your healthy diet.

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