How She Healed Rheumatoid Arthritis Naturally

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How She Healed Rheumatoid Arthritis Naturally

How She Healed Rheumatoid Arthritis Naturally

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People suffering with rheumatoid arthritis live in near constant pain. The drugs given to combat the disease rarely offer full-time relief. However, there are ways to heal rheumatoid arthritis naturally.

How She Healed Rheumatoid Arthritis Naturally

Grace’s Story

Grace used to struggle with rheumatoid arthritis, waking up every morning in pain. Her hands and joints were swollen, and it took her around two hours to move properly. She lived this way for 25 years.

Encouraged by a family member, she decided to try a plant-based diet. Grace wanted to see if she could possibly get off medication that wasn’t working and start living pain-free. After only 24 hours of eating only plant-based food, she hopped out of bed the next morning with no problem.

Those who know Grace see the change in her, and her doctor supported her decision to try a plant-based diet.

What is a Plant-Based Diet?

Plant-based diets eliminate food from animal sources and rely on plants as their primary food source. Eating salads is one way to implement a plant-based diet. Those on plant-based diets may also drink smoothies to get fruits and vegetables in their systems. The main focus is avoiding meat and dairy products to reduce inflammation in the body.

Plant-based diets are mentioned plenty when people talk of healing RA naturally. Here are some other ideas for healing RA without medication:

Fish Oil

Fish oil, which contains Omega-3 fatty acids, is commonly recommended for anyone who suffers with inflammation. Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease defined by inflammation, so it stands to reason that fish oil would help.

She Healed Rheumatoid Arthritis Naturally


Acupuncture stimulates better body function by targeting points in the body and placing tiny needles in them. The procedure is painless, but for those with RA, it can be extremely effective in reducing their pain.

Stress Relief

All bodies are agitated by stress. However, for those with chronic inflammation, stress can make their pain and symptoms even worse. That’s why it’s essential for those with RA to practice mindfulness and stress reduction.


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Some people accomplish this through yoga or meditation. Other people find time in nature to be relaxing. Whatever works for a person suffering with RA is what they should do.

READ ALSO: Natural Ways to Ease Arthritis Pain

Cutting Out Tobacco and Coffee from Your Diet

According to Andrew Weil, M.D., those who consume coffee and tobacco are at higher risk for developing RA. Eliminating these two problematic sources is a simple way to decrease RA symptoms. It’s also a way to lessen the chance of suffering from RA in the first place.


It may seem counterintuitive for someone who is in pain to exercise. However, those suffering from RA benefit from physical activity and see a decrease in symptoms. Walking, swimming, and stretching are great choices, and each can be done while those with RA are having a flare up.


EFT, or tapping, uses meridian points to rid the body of negativity that may increase physical pain. By tapping meridian points while assessing the situation through a series of questions, negative thoughts can be dealt with. Since stress is such a huge trigger for RA, EFT is an obvious healing option.

Heat and Cold Packs

When inflammation causes a flare-up, applying hot and cold packs can offer relief. The change in temperature on the skin can relax muscles and release tension. Hot and cold should be alternated for maximum effect.

Rheumatoid arthritis doesn’t have to control a person’s life. While it can be a frustrating disease to deal with, natural treatments are effective at healing it. Listening to the body and responding with safe, holistic options can be the answer for those suffering.


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