5 Things the Bible Teaches Us About Lovemaking
Although many people are ashamed to talk about making love, the physical act is a healthy part of marriage and is even discussed in the Bible. Many people who read the Bible are unaware that there are various scriptures that are present in both the Old and New Testament that pertain to making love. To have a greater understanding of the act, there are a few important facts the Bible teaches us about lovemaking.
1. You Can Heal From Past Experiences
Many people lose their virginity before marriage or have suffered from abuse, which can be painful to live with over time. The Bible is clear that the baggage that comes from the act can be healed with God’s love and grace. The Bible reads, “This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” 2 Corinthians 5:17. Those who begin to follow Jesus can enjoy a new life with past sins or experiences forgiven and healed.
2. You Can Commit Adultery with Your Thoughts
Jesus was clear that thinking about love making with another person is just as bad as committing adultery against your spouse. This will eventually begin to harm the physical relationship that you share with your spouse, making it important to remain mentally monogamous and taking every thought captive. This is clear in Matthew 5:28, which reads, “But I say, anyone who even looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” It’s important to avoid entertaining lustful thoughts about anyone who is not your spouse.
3. Love Making is a Gift
God designed love making to be an integral part of marriage and should not be withheld from each partner. Once a man and a woman are married, their bodies are no longer their own as they become one. This means that it’s important to avoid refraining from closeness or refusing it, which can lead to marital issues or even adultery if the neglected party begins to become tempted.
The only time that the physical act should be avoided is during a fast when the husband and wife want to devote themselves to prayer. However, it’s important to limit the timeframe of the fast to avoid any temptation that can develop.
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4. Love Making is Reserved for Marriage
There are numerous verses in the Bible that clearly state that the physical act should be reserved for marriage with abstinence practiced beforehand. According to gotquestions.com, Jude 7, Colossians 3:5, and Galatians 5:19 all discuss the importance of keeping physical acts inside of marriage.
If making love was reserved for the confines of marriage, there would be fewer abortions, STDs, single mothers, and unwanted pregnancies. God created the act to make man and woman one, which is a safe and undefiled place to enjoy the act. Abstinence honors God, saves lives, and makes marriage more fulfilling without any consequences.
5. Making Love with Your Spouse Should Be Pleasurable
Although making love is performed to reproduce, it’s also a physical act that should be enjoyed by both husband and wife. Song of Soloman in the Old Testament is detailed with how enjoyable making love is and how it can increase the bond that is shared between two people.
Making love joins two people together spiritually and mentally, making it a deeper and more meaningful act than having it in the world with different partners. The husband and wife can increase their level of trust with one another in a safe place that allows them to enjoy each part of the act.
The desire of making love was designed by God with marriage available to fulfill the longings. This makes it important to direct those feelings towards your spouse and enjoy complete fulfillment in marriage.