The Surprising Reason Why Women Actually Moan During Lovemaking
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It is no secret that women tend to be the loudest partner during lovemaking. Some people think this is because women are just naturally inclined to make more noise, while others think it may be due to their expectations of what enjoyable lovemaking ought to sound like. A new study published by Brewer and Hendrie at the University of Central Lancashire has revealed the reasons behind the noises that women make while having an experience with a male partner.
The study examined what they refer to as “copulatory vocalizations” in 71 women who were in a physical relationship, and the aim was to see if these vocalizations were involuntary or intentional. The researchers talked to the women to discover when climax was most often occurring. This survey showed that the female test subjects were most likely to climax during self manipulation or foreplay with a partner. During the actual act of penetration, women were the least likely to achieve a climax.
However, the data collected by the researchers showed that copulatory vocalizations did not occur during the moment of female climax. Though the researchers expected that more sounds were present during female climax, this was not the case at all. Instead, women were most likely to express copulatory vocalizations when their male partner was climaxing. The specific most common time for a woman to make noise turned out to be slightly before or precisely when the male partner was climaxing. Therefore, it turns out that even if it is subconscious, women seem to make copulatory vocalizations more for their male partner’s pleasure than as an expression of their own desire.
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The researchers provide theories about why this might be occurring during lovemaking. One perception may be that women are just as influenced by adult films as men are. Therefore, the women may subconsciously want to mimic adult actresses that they believe their male partner desires. However, this may not necessarily be true, since the trend of women making more vocalizations as their male partner starts to climax seems to hold even if the male has not expressed a desire to feel like he is pleasing his partner as he begins to climax.
A 2004 study by Miller and Byers of the University of New Brunswick may give some more insight into the reasons why women are more vocal during their partner’s climax instead of their own. The researchers found that most romantic partners had preconceived ideas about what the opposite gender desired during lovemaking. Even if they were presented with evidence that not all people within the gender desired certain things, the people in the study continued to behave in their preconceived idea.
This type of behavior is part of something called script theory. According to this theory, all people automatically create scripts of acceptable behaviors based on what they see in the media. People feel subconsciously pressured to follow these scripts at all times, and people are more likely to follow the scripts for their own gender during lovemaking instead of listening to their partner’s desires. All of this psychological talk might sound confusing, but basically, it means that when a person make love, they act how they think a person of their gender is supposed to act, instead of focusing on what their partner actually desires.
This idea can be combined with the University of Lancashire study to understand the real reason that women make noises during their partner’s climax. Women are subconsciously lead to believe that the ideal woman is loudly enthusiastic during lovemaking, so they try to live up to that expectation. However, in reality, most men like knowing when their female partner is pleased, so they fully support a female partner making noise during her climax. Therefore, it may benefit both people in the relationship if women become more vocal about their own pleasure and desires.