It is Used Illegally Around the World and It Beginning to Take Hold in the U.S. Here’s Why “Krokodil” Is Extremely Dangerous!

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It is Used Illegally Around the World and It Beginning to Take Hold in the U.S. Here’s Why “Krokodil” Is Extremely Dangerous!

It is Used Illegally Around the World and It Beginning to Take Hold in the U.S. Here’s Why “Krokodil” Is Extremely Dangerous!

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What is Krokodil?

Krokodil was developed in the 1930s as an attempt to create an alternative to morphine, but today, this cheap drug can be made anywhere. It is used illegally around the world, especially in Russia. It is also beginning to take hold in the United States.


When a heroin addict can no longer afford heroin, her or she often turns to Krokodil, which produces a stronger high. Those addicted to other opiates often turn to Krokodil to get a fix when they can no longer find other drugs.

The additives in Krokodil are incredibly dangerous and include the following: gasoline, rubbing alcohol, powdered match heads, paint thinner, and hydrochloric acid. Those addicted to the drug who live in Russia often cook the drug in saline solution for eyes, as this can make the drug’s effects much more intense.


What Happens to the Human Body on Krokodil?

Krokodil users inject the drug directly into their veins, and the toxic ingredients almost immediately damage the veins. This leads users to have to find new injection sites for nearly every use. The drug damages skin, and patches of scaly skin often erupt at injection sites. The drug pools beneath the skin and rots it, and the drug clumps within veins since it doesn’t completely dissolve in blood. This means that the clumps can travel to other areas of the body and begin to destroy tissue that hasn’t yet been injected. Gangrene sets in at both the injection sites and where the clumps of Krokodil have traveled. Eventually the dead skin will detach from the bones and muscles it overlays, which leads to amputations. Once a person begins to use Krokodil, they are expected to live for less than one year.


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Can a Person Beat Krokodil Addiction?

Withdrawal symptoms are very painful and last over a month’s time. Healthcare professionals who have worked with those who are addicted to this drug say that it is the strongest level of withdrawal that they have ever seen. Even if a person does manage to escape their addiction, they will likely be left with permanent damage such as twitching and speech disorders.


In this video, “Siberia: Krokodil Tears,” we learn more about the history of the drug addiction taking hold in Russia, and we journey to a Siberian city of Novokuznetsk where 20 percent of the population is addicted to heroin. Those who cannot afford heroin often lower themselves to shooting up moonshine drug Krokodil to get high. We’ll walk through the city where the streets are littered with syringes and meet the Krokodil addicts who live in bug-infested, abandoned buildings. Often these young people have no way of making money other than selling materials from the buildings in which they live.


In the video, we’ll meet a recovering addict and hear her story. We’ll also meet those who work at Regenerate Russia who are trying to combat this addiction, which is believed to be a form of narcoterrorism from extremist countries who ship the drugs in in order to weaken Russia. Be aware that this video contains graphic depictions of the skin necrosis and amputations that those addicted to Krokodile experience.


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