Top 10 Ways To Cure Snoring Permanently

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Top 10 Ways To Cure Snoring Permanently

Top 10 Ways To Cure Snoring Permanently

Studies have indicated that more than forty percent of all adult males and females have had snoring problems at some point of time in their lives. Not only is the habit a cause for annoyance to the person as well as other people around him, sometimes it can also be a symptom of other deep rooted illnesses like obstructive or central sleep apnea. In the subsequent sections we will go on to discuss the top ten ways to cure snoring permanently.


Losing weight and exercise: Time tested ways to get rid of snoring

Being obese has a direct correlation to your snoring problems. When you lose weight, it depletes the excess fatty tissue situated at the back of your throat and when this happens you can sleep without snoring permanently unless of course you gain your weight subsequently and for this reason exercise is of great importance as well. It also helps in toning your throat muscles which might help reduce snoring.

Surgical Methods:

If losing weight and regimented exercise does not seem to get rid of your snoring problems then consulting your physician and getting a proper surgery done may be helpful. A tonsillectomy or Adenoidectomy could help stop snoring since it increases the dimensions of your airway by eliminating tissues and correcting abnormalities present therein through surgery. Laser assisted Uvulopalatoplasty can be considered as well. In this process, a laser is used to make small incisions on the soft palate on either side and to shorten the uvula. As the incision subsequently heals, the tissues around the region develop more rigidity which stops the vibrations causing the snoring.

Get rid of unhealthy habits like smoking:

Smoking is not just detrimental to your overall well being but it can also be the primary contributor to your snoring problems. Smoking cigarettes on a daily basis agitates the sensitive membranes in the throat as well as the nose which consequently results into snoring in your sleep.

Change/Modify your sleeping position:

Sometimes sleeping positions may be the cause behind snoring problems. If you lie on your back during the hours of your sleep, sometimes the tongue’s base and soft palate rest on the rear wall of your throat generating a vibrating sound. If this is the only reason behind snoring, adjusting your sleeping position somewhat by sleeping on your side may effectively stop your snoring problem. If all of the above fail to demonstrate results then it may be a case of obstructive sleep apnea; get in touch with a physician.

Consulting an allergist:
Allergens present in your living spaces may also be a contributor to your snoring problem. An allergist can effectively determine whether your snoring is being caused by the presence of an allergen in your home. If it is suspected that your snoring is the result of some allergy then some measures can be taken domestically as well. Dust mites are known to accumulate on pillows and cause allergic reactions which results in snoring. If the pillows are changed periodically after a few months, the ceiling fans dusted and pets are kept outside the bedroom at all times, it may inhibit allergens from gathering in the bedroom and help stop the snoring.

RELATED ARTICLE: By Drinking This Natural Juice Before Bed, You Can Reduce Snoring Apnea in No Time!

Keep away from intoxicants and sedatives before going to bed:

Alcohol, sedatives and even your regular sleeping pills can be a cause behind snoring, since they are responsible for excessive relaxation of the muscles in the throat, which in turn inhibits proper breathing. If you believe your medicines could well be instigating or worsening snoring, it’s time to talk to the doctor and experiment with alternatives.

Clear obstructed nasal pages before going to bed:
On contracting cough and cold, if the nose remains stuffy throughout the day then before heading to bed it is a good idea to rinse the sinuses using saline. Clearing congested nasal passages will at least reduce the extent of your snoring. Try to get rid of the cold as quickly as possible because the snoring problem goes away when the cold gets cured. Gargling with lukewarm saline water may help as well. Some doctors are also of the opinion that a hot shower before bed helps clearing out the nasal passages and reduced snoring.

Throat exercises for a good night’s sleep without snores:
There are various throat exercises which can be practiced daily for a few minutes. These exercises range from mouthing the vowels aloud everyday for a couple of minutes to moving the jaw from left to right for a minute with your mouth open. These simple exercises need to be done only for a couple of minutes every day and after a short period of time the muscles in upper respiratory tract will strengthen which in turn will aid in curing the snoring problem permanently.

Scheduled bedtime even for adults:
It is scientifically proven that falling asleep and waking up at fixed points of the night and day helps generate a regular circadian rhythm. This aids your body to get all the rest that it needs. When you over exert ourselves and don’t stick to the schedule you fall into a deeper sleep which in turn goes to affect your throat airways, and you start snoring. A disciplined lifestyle will thus help immensely; getting the proper amount of sleep during your body’s most desirable snooze time will eventually help stop you from snoring.

Anti snoring appliances and CPAP:
There are various anti-snoring devices available in the market; these are worth considering. Shaped somewhat like an athlete’s mouth guard these devices are primarily constructed with the purpose of keeping your airways open by bringing your tongue and lower jaw forward while you sleep. The CPAP or the Continuous Positive Airway Pressure device can also be used which pushes pressurized air inside a mask that you wear during your sleep.

Snoring is a problem not just for you but also the people you live with and should be treated at the very outset; it could be the underlying symptoms of a bigger ailment! Careful and regimented eating habits coupled with exercises and abstaining from bad habits like smoking, popping pills and binge drinking could help getting rid of snoring. Following the guidelines mentioned above you will surely get a good night’s sleep and find a permanent cure to your snoring problem.

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