8 Things No Woman Should EVER Wait For A Man To Do

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8 Things No Woman Should EVER Wait For A Man To Do

8 Things No Woman Should EVER Wait For A Man To Do

Strong, confident women that move through life with grace and gratitude are fully capable of doing all the things that traditionally were thought to require settling down with a man. Twenty first century women are independent and can and should feel free to pursue a full life solo. If a wonderful man joins as an equal partner, fantastic! However, why wait? Live life to its fullest today and each day with these eight suggestions.


Saving & Budgeting

Expect to succeed, but have a back up plan. Create a monthly budget that allows you to responsibly manage your financial obligations, do the things you most enjoy (within reason), and save for unexpected situations. Start learning about basic investing now! You’ll be glad you did when a recession hits, your company has massive lay offs, or you have a chance to go on an amazing vacation with a friend.

Buy a House

Decide where you want to put down long-term roots and make the commitment to buy property. Instead of renting and building someone else’s long term wealth, build your own! Choose a location and home style that reflects your personal brand, perhaps with projects you would enjoy doing yourself.

Have Kids

If your maternal instincts are kicking in, if one of your goals is to have a family, go for it! With modern science, there is no reason you can’t carry or adopt and provide a loving, fantastic environment in which a child can grow up happy and healthy. Share your goal and plan with family and friends so you and the child will have support and love from a group of adults.

Educate Yourself about Car and House Maintenance

Self reliant women can add oil to their cars, trim their hedges, unclog a sink, or temporarily patch a tire. No need for you to rely on the boyfriend, uncle, or next door male neighbor. Women are more knowledgeable and physically stronger than in past eras; educate yourself through friends, you tube, or other means so you too can rock a tool kit!

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Buy Nice Jewelry

You deserve a reward for those long hours, and it should be something you won’t have to exchange because it’s so NOT your taste. Choose something you love, plan for it, learn what you should pay for it, and treat yourself to a piece you desire.

Learn About Sports

You might already be a basketball fan. Learn about football or soccer; pick a team that appeals to you and follow it for a season. How about joining a coed softball, kickball, or dodgeball team? It doesn’t have to be something you do to spend time with your boyfriend. Why not do it just to learn the game, get great exercise, and meet new friends.

Learn How to Be Alone

It’s okay to spend a Friday night alone indulging in a “date” that will relax you after a long week. Have a massage, watch a movie with a glass of your favorite wine, take a run by the ocean as the sun sets. Enjoy the solitude and peace after the rigors of work. Consider taking up a new hobby like writing poetry, yoga, a ceramics class, anything that has always intrigued you but for which you never made the time.

Love Yourself

Take the time to meditate, be introspective, and learn to love who you are as an individual. Appreciate the peculiarities, tremendous strengths, quirks and weaknesses that make you unique. Acknowledge the need to dedicate time to you, to self-improvement, to rejuvenating in whatever way is most effective for you. First loving yourself, and sending that energy out into the world, will attract the external things you desire – promotions, new friends, perhaps the right, healthy relationship.

While established societal traditions take time to evolve and change, the role of women in the business world, home life, as parents, friends, and partners has shifted drastically in the last 70 years. You can pursue your professional goals and personal dreams, creating a full and happy life, with or without the dream man by your side.

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