Natural Skin Warts Or Fibroma Removal Right From Your Kitchen
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Skin warts and fibroma lesions can be a little nerve-wracking. Not only are they unattractive, but they can easily be confused for cancerous tumors. Luckily, fibroma are benign tumors that grow on the skin. Learn more to find out how you can keep your skin clear and free of fibroma.
Skin Warts and Fibroma
Fibroma can appear almost anywhere on the body. The most common locations for fibroma is the inside of the mouth, the feet, the eyelids, the nose and the ovaries. On the outside of the body, the most common type of fibroma is anywhere that trauma can occur. Most fibroma appears on the feet and is referred to as plantar fibroma. They can range anywhere in size and shape. These types of tumors can also be hard or soft. Soft fibroma is comprised of skin cells. Sometimes keloids are considered fibroma. Hard fibroma is made up of connective tissue. Most of the time, fibroma is caused by dense scar tissue and forms after a trauma or injury.
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When Do Warts Become a Problem?
Sometimes fibroma can be confused with common warts, which are caused by bacteria on the surface of the skin. Warts are caused by bacteria in the same family as the human papillomavirus or HPV. Warts are transferred from person to person by skin-to-skin contact. Another way of contracting warts is by using sponge or towel that someone with warts came in contact with.
Fibroma can also be confused with cancerous tumors or legions and should be examined by a medical professional. They can also affect the blood vessels and areas around the tumor.
Medical Examination
If you believe you have a fibroma, you should first see a medical professional to make sure the tumor isn’t cancerous. You should also make sure that your fibroma isn’t affecting the muscle, blood vessels or bone in the surrounding area either.
Removal Process
Luckily, it’s easy to remove fibroma with apple cider vinegar. This type of vinegar has a lot of healthful properties that can keep skin clear and free from fibroma tumors. The best time to remove fibroma is in the winter. Cool air and low light levels provide the optimal conditions for removing of fibroma.
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To remove a fibroma mass, simply dip a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar. Ring the cotton ball to remove the excess vinegar. Place the cotton ball over the fibroma. Place a Band-Aid or piece of medical tape over the cotton ball to ensure the cotton ball stays in place (do not use tape not approved for skin! This could damage the area further). Wait for 15 minutes. Remove the cotton ball, and wipe any excess vinegar from the area.
Repeat this process three times a day. It may take a few days to a few weeks for your fibroma to fall off. First you’ll probably notice some scabbing. Once the scab starts to take shape, you can stop the apple cider vinegar treatments. Allow the scab to fall off naturally. Once the scab is gone, you might notice some scarring. Yet if the fibroma wasn’t deep, there may not be any scarring at all.
Use a thick lotion with an SPF of at least 15 on your skin to keep the area safe from the sun’s rays and dry weather. Use coco butter to reduce and lingering scarring.
You don’t need expensive medical treatments to have clear skin. Keep your skin healthy by using an treatment at home that’s not only inexpensive, but it’s also all natural.