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A Woman Who’s Gone On 150 Tinder Dates Reveals The Main Dating Mistakes Men Make

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A Woman Who’s Gone On 150 Tinder Dates Reveals The Main Dating Mistakes Men Make

A Woman Who’s Gone On 150 Tinder Dates Reveals The Main Dating Mistakes Men Make

Online dating is everywhere in the modern world! However, not everyone is great at it. There are actually a lot of mistakes you can make that will turn off the person you’re trying to talk to. Here are some things to avoid.

woman Who's Gone On 150 Tinder Dates Reveals The Main Dating Mistakes Men Make

1. Write a good opening message. Don’t include anything overtly $exual, or say something uninteresting like “what’s up”. Try asking a personalized question to show that you actually read their profile.

2. Don’t ask to meet up immediately, but don’t wait forever either. Ideally, ask to meet up after around 3 or 4 back-and-forth messages. And don’t be general about it. Make a specific plan, including the place and time.

RELATED ARTICLE:  Attention Ladies: Avoid These 3 Dating Mistakes

3. Choose a wise first date. Dinner dates or even lunch dates can be a bad idea, as they carry too much pressure. Meeting up for drinks or coffee is a better idea. For maximum date potential, meet up for drinks or coffee at around 5 PM. That way, if the date goes well and you both like each other, you can turn it into a dinner date in the same night!

Simple tips like these make a world of difference in online dating. By being dating-savvy, you can greatly improve your chances of meeting that special someone.

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