
The Positive Side of Medicine

See How A Stomach Vacuum Workout Fighting Belly Fat And Helps To Build Flat Abs

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See How A Stomach Vacuum Workout Fighting Belly Fat And Helps To Build Flat Abs

See How A Stomach Vacuum Workout Fighting Belly Fat And Helps To Build Flat Abs

In this video, Kristen demonstrates how to do an often overlooked abdominal sculpting exercise. The stomach vacuum is a great way to define that pesky abdominal area of the body, and the best thing about it is, it’s not nearly as difficult and arduous an exercise to perform as the more familiar crunches and sit-ups.

Stomach Vacuum

As Kristen demonstrates, the process of performing the stomach vacuum is a fairly simple one. First, a full inhalation of air is required to fill up the lungs and abdomen. Second, an aggressive exhalation of that air is required to achieve a more concave abdominal profile. This expulsion of air contacts the diaphragm inward, thus shaping the abdomen inward toward the spine. This is a great way to reset the abdomen and improve posture too.

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