How to Get Rid Of Dark Circles & Pigmentations using Only POTATO

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How to Get Rid Of Dark Circles & Pigmentations using Only POTATO

How to Get Rid Of Dark Circles & Pigmentations using Only POTATO

Rajii Osahn shows viewers how to use an actual potato to remove skin pigmentation and dark coloration on the skin. She discusses an enzyme called catecholase in the potato that is already used in mass-produced skin creams. By applying her method, a person can naturally receive the same results.

She Easily Erased Skin Pigmentation With A Potato, See How

She peels half of a potato. She then uses a grater to make about a tablespoon of potato on a plate. She then takes the juice and pulp from it and places it on her skin. She says to let it sit for about 20 to 30 minutes. It almost looks like a cooking segment until she puts it on the top of her hand.

RELATED ARTICLE: 3 Natural Ways to Erase Brown Spots From Your Skin

After doing some research, I found several articles that suggest using a potato to counter-act hyper-pigmentation of the skin. The problem can arise naturally from heredity or from drugs and the environment that a person is exposed to during their life.

Please remember beauty is only “skin deep”. Discoloration is normal for many people and this lightening process takes time.

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