
The Positive Side of Medicine

This Woman Used Potato Water And Solved One Of The Biggest Beauty Problems

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This Woman Used Potato Water And Solved One Of The Biggest Beauty Problems

Most people spend a lot of time and money trying to escape gray hair, and their first line of defense is hair dye. So many people keep reaching for the bottle because it works, but those results don’t come without dangerous consequences. Hair dye has been associated with an increased risk of cancer along with many other harmful side effects.

RELATED ARTICLE: 7 Ways to Fight Gray Hair Naturally

The good news is that there is a much safer and more natural approach. Watch this video featuring Dr. Anthony Youn on the Rachel Ray Show. He will show you how to use potato skins and water to cover up your gray hair without putting your health at risk. He even tests this out on a volunteer so you can see the results for yourself. You may never have to visit the hair salon again!

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