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The Most Important Exercise You’re Not Doing In Your Bedroom

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The Most Important Exercise You’re Not Doing In Your Bedroom

The Most Important Exercise You’re Not Doing In Your Bedroom

Exercise may be good for you, but if you’re never heard of or exercised your Kegel muscles you’re missing out on an important muscle group. When exercised, Kegels can improve the everyday quality of life for both men and women and, as an added bonus, may lead to better $ex. If that doesn’t motivate you to do these simple exercises then nothing will.

What are Kegels?

The Kegels are a group of muscles that make up the floor of your pelvis. They surround and support your bladder, small intestine, and rectum. In women, they also support the uterus and vagina. The easiest way to find these muscles is to try and stop the flow when you urinate by squeezing your muscles together. Try to do so with the least number of muscles you can, making sure you don’t clench your abdominal muscles or buttocks. When you can successfully stop your urine stream in mid-flow, you have located your Kegel’s muscles.

Why Exercise Them?

After childbirth and certain surgeries, the Kegel muscles may be left in a weakened state. They also weaken as a natural part of the aging process. When they do, they allow urine to leak out of the body when you laugh, sneeze, cough or otherwise strain. Urinary and fecal incontinence may occur in both men and women with weak Kegels and the rectum may force its way into the vagina, causing an uncomfortable bulge known as a rectocele. Exercising your Kegels helps to improve all of these conditions and can often prevent them. As an added bonus, strong Kegels lead to stronger erections in men and more intense satisfaction peaks in both men and women.

How Do I Do the Exercises?

Kegel exercises are easy to do and because no one will know you’re doing them, they can be done anywhere from your desk at work to the subway on your ride home. It is important to note, however, that you should not do them while urinating. Though you can flex these muscles during urination if it helps you find them at first, continuously exercising them while you urinate could prevent you from being able to fully empty your bladder.

To do the exercise, empty your bladder and then find a comfortable place to sit or lie. When you’re ready, squeeze your Kegel muscles together and hold them there for five seconds before releasing them again. That’s it! The Mayo Clinic recommends doing this exercise for 10 repetitions three times a day. You’ll be amazed at what such a fast and simple workout can do for you and that special someone, so start exercising today and share your success stories with us.

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