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Get A Smaller Waist In A Week By Doing This Exercise Program

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Get A Smaller Waist In A Week By Doing This Exercise Program

Get A Smaller Waist In A Week By Doing This Exercise Program

In this video, Vicky Justiz, Florida bikini model and star of her own popular YouTube channel, shows you four simple exercises to help tone and maintain a tiny waist. Justiz explains that traditional crunches and oblique exercises may actually make your waist appear larger by building up the muscles on your sides and the top portion of the abdomen.

Get A Smaller Waist In A Week By Doing These Exercise Program

Exercise along with Justiz as she explains two modified Plank core-strengthening exercises and two modified versions of abdominal crunches. All four moves have been developed to help you achieve a tiny waist. With regular practice of these exercises, eating a proper diet, and performing cardiovascular exercise, you are sure to achieve results.

RELATED ARTICLE: What Happens to Your Waistline When You Drink a Glass of Red Wine Before Bed?

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