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You Never Knew THIS About Love Handles- Get Rid Of Them Fast!

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You Never Knew THIS About Love Handles- Get Rid Of Them Fast!

You Never Knew THIS About Love Handles- Get Rid Of Them Fast!

Many exercisers perform hundreds of crunches and side bends every day with hopes of losing their love handles. But in the end, many of them fail to achieve the results they are looking for. Spending hours in the gym performing inefficient abdominal exercises is not the way to go. To bring out definition in your abs and lose those love handles forever, you have to work your core efficiently, work your whole body with an intense exercise program and follow a clean diet.

You Never New THIS About Love Handles- Get Rid of Them Fast!

Situps And Sidebends Are Not The Answer

The idea that you can target and burn fat from just one part of your body is called spot reduction, and despite its continuing popularity, it is just a myth. If you’re stopping at the drive-thru for a burger and fries on your way home from the gym every day, then it doesn’t matter how many crunches and side bends you do; you won’t get shredded that way.

RELATED ARTICLE: Lose Your Love Handles

So if you want to lose the love handles forever, you have to reduce fat from all over your body and tighten up the external obliques which run along the sides of your abs. And the way to do that is by combining a clean diet with an intense whole-body exercise routine, and make sure to focus on exercises that work the obliques properly.

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