If You’re Doing These 4 Things Before Your Workout, You’re Doing it Wrong
Creating a solid pre-workout routine is one of the best ways to get the most out of your exercising, but many health enthusiasts are unsure of exactly what they should be avoiding. Take a look at these common pre-workout mistakes and why you should avoid them at all costs.
Sleep Too Long
Chronic sleep deprivation can lead to serious cognitive issues, but sleeping too much just before a workout could also have a negative impact on your exercising. If you must take a nap before working out, then it is important to keep it to 30 minutes or less. A 45 minute “power nap” has been shown to improve cognitive abilities, but much more than that will leave you feeling sluggish. You should also try to give yourself at least 30 minutes to an hour to wake up so that you are focused and have had time to get your heart rate back up.
Eat or Drink Too Much
Every single person’s body is slightly different, and this means that you will want to experiment with exactly how and when to eat before a workout. The first thing is to ensure that you are not extremely hungry and have at least some protein, carbohydrates, and simple sugar in your system. Options like oatmeal alongside a protein shake and pre-workout supplement are great. It is also important to keep water to under a few cups just before a workout unless you are absolutely positive your body needs more.
Perform Stretches While Cold
Many of us grew up carrying out static stretches before heading out to a game or when going to PE, but countless studies now show that this can actually be quite detrimental. Static stretches, especially before you have warmed up, will actually increase your risk of injuries and weaken your muscles and ligaments. Instead of reaching down and touching your toes, a very light jog or bike ride followed by some compound movements and dynamic stretches is best.
Overdo Stimulants
Some stimulants just before working out are extremely helpful when it comes to strength, energy, and focus. Just as with food and water, however, it is important for everyone to find the right balance. As a general rule, most health enthusiasts that are sensitive to stimulants will want to keep their caffeine intake under 100 milligrams. This is equivalent to about one cup of coffee. You should also be cautious with pre-workout supplements that do not accurately list what stimulants are inside.
Whether you have been a fitness fanatic for years or are just starting on your journey to a healthier lifestyle, it is never a bad idea to take a fresh look at your pre-workout practices in order to maximize the hard work you put in at the gym.
Exercise-Associated Hyponatremia: Who’s at Risk?| Medicinenet
Reasons Not to Stretch| The New York Times
HIIT vs Continuous Endurance Training: Battle of the Aerobic Titans| UNM