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What You Should Know About Neck And Face Fat And How To Lose It

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What You Should Know About Neck And Face Fat And How To Lose It

What You Should Know About Neck And Face Fat And How To Lose It

Even people who are at their ideal weight are affected by cute little chipmunk cheeks, or chubby cheeks, cute on toddlers, not as cute on an adult. Many people are distressed by this excess face fat, and while it is not as unhealthy as excess abdominal fat, it can make you look like a child, which can be a detriment in the business world, you want to look like the adult you are.

What You Should Know About Neck And Face Fat And How To Lose It

Excess fat around your neck may develop for several reasons. Overall obesity, aging, water retention, and other health problems, notably the thyroid, can be responsible. You can always have surgical removal by a cosmetic surgeon, but going under the knife is risky and expensive, here are some natural methods that can help you:

• Stay hydrated
Staying hydrated is important to help prevent water retention. Your body retains water as a defense mechanism when you are not regular about drinking enough of it, which leads to bloating in your face, hands, and ankles. If you are not drinking at least 64 ounces of water each day, your body may be retaining the water to fight the shortage. A study published by “Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism” found that your body will burn 95 more calories more if you drink 4 pints of water every day.

• Cheek exercises
Experts believe that you can slim down your entire face by just working your the cheeks. Simply place your thumb at the back of the fleshiest part of your cheek under your cheekbones, then using your fingers pull as much flesh as you can away from your face, then use your cheek muscles to pull it back in. It’s similar to crushing candy. Repeat 20 times.

• Neck exercise
According to the creator of “Ageless if You Dare,” you can easily achieve a slim neck by working on the strength of your platysma muscle which runs from the tip of the chin to the chest. Hold the vertical flesh on either side of the windpipe and stretch your neck up as far as possible with your mouth slightly open, tense your jaw and push it forward- you will feel the flesh moving out of your grip. Hold for 20 seconds and release.

Related Link: Natural Remedies for Neck and Chest Wrinkles

• Slap your chin
Slapping your chin works to erase a double chin. Gently and slowly slap underneath your chin with the back of your hand, gradually increasing speed. Keep going for a minute or two. This simple trick done several times a day can get you a slimmer chin.

• Sticking out your tongue
This exercise is good for both chin and neck. Sit or stand straight with your head at its natural angle, open your mouth as wide as you can and stick out your tongue as far as you can. Hold the stretch for 10 seconds then relax. Repeat 10 times for a set and perform several sets each day. This is as effective as it is silly.

Neck And Face Fat And How To Lose It

• Healthy lifestyle
A healthy lifestyle and eating habits can make a big difference. Cut down on salt consumption if needed. Don’t eat overly processed foods. Our bodies retain water when we eat salty foods to dilute the dangerous levels of sodium. Eat fruits and vegetables that are high in dietary fiber and water content.

• Maintain correct posture
Watch how you sit and stand, be careful of your posture in your daily life. If you have been slouching this may be a cause of accumulated fat on your face and loose skin. Keep your shoulders straight and back erect.
While exercising you should maintain correct posture for best results. Keep your head up but do not stretch your neck. Lift your chin slightly so that you feel the pull. This posture will make your exercises more effective and help with general health.

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