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10 Things Every Woman Deserves In A Relationship

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10 Things Every Woman Deserves In A Relationship

10 Things Every Woman Deserves In A Relationship

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Sometimes we can be easily deceived in relationships. What we want and what is best for us, is not always the same thing. Here is a list of 10 things EVERY woman deserves in a relationship. Be sure to look for the perfect partner with these traits.

10 Vital Things Every Woman Deserves From A Relationship

1) Someone Who Listens and Values Your Opinion

A little debate is healthy, but you want someone who will really listen to you and consider what you have to say. This is a partner who actually quiets down so he or she can hear what you’re saying.

2) Someone Who Finds You Attractive No Matter What You Look Like

Pajamas or little black dress, your lover should always find you attractive. You shouldn’t always have to dress up to impress your partner.

3) Someone Who Satisfies You In Bed

When you communicate what makes you feel good physically, both of your love- lives improve. This will help you continue to grow $e*u@lly as a couple. This may mean a frank discussion of what you are looking for in love.

4) Someone You Have Good Communication With

Throughout your lives together you will both grow and need to communicate well with each other. Be sure you enjoy talking and spending time with the one you love. Communication involves both talking and listening, and it involves enjoying what your partner has to say.

5) Someone Who Is Your Best Friend

Pick someone who you have a lot in common with and who you would rather be with on a Saturday night than anywhere else.  This person should be your friend first and your lover second.

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6) Someone Who Picks Up Your Slack

Be sure to have a partner who knows how to clean, cook, help with finances and knows how to pick up where you leave off. A relationship should be a partnership in which you both participate in getting things done.

7) Someone Who Celebrates and Loves Your Flaws

You may not always be happy with yourself. So be sure to pick a partner who loves you and even celebrates and pushes you to your highest potential.  This person will know and appreciate your flaws and will help you overcome them when you decide it’s time for personal improvement.

Every Woman Deserves In A Relationship 5

8) Someone Who Finds Your Pets As Adorable As You Do

If you are madly in love with your dog or cat, your partner should adore them. They are a part of who you are; therefore, they should be just as loveable.

9) Someone Who Shares Your Morals and Values

Be sure you agree on what your priorities in life are and what you want your values to be not only for your relationship, but also in case you ever start a family. Common values make for a more harmonious relationship–both as a couple and as a family.

10) Someone Who Makes You Smile Everyday

In the best relationships, you wake up everyday wondering what you can do to make your partner even happier. You enjoy seeing them smile and smile just thinking of them.


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