10 Health Benefits of Pumpkin you didn’t know

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10 Health Benefits of Pumpkin you didn't know

10 Health Benefits of Pumpkin you didn’t know
By PositiveMed-Team
Edited By Stephanie Dawson

The pumpkin season (October, November & December) has come, soon people will be craving pumpkin recipes and mouth-watering dishes prepared with pumpkin. This season Positive med is giving you some reasons to love this interesting food even more.

Mentioned below are some benefits of pumpkin:

1. Heart healthy magnesium

Magnesium is an important mineral required by our bodies. Pumpkin seeds are a rich source of magnesium. A half-cup of pumpkin seeds is enough to meet our daily magnesium requirements. These seeds help our body to perform various important functions such as creation of ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) DNA synthesis, bone and tooth formation, and proper pumping of heart.

2. Sleep enhancement

Pumpkin and its seeds are effective at enhancing the quality of our sleep. This super delicious food contains an amino acid called tryptophan which is converted into serotonin and boosts sleep.

3. Sharp eyesight

Vitamin A is important for sharp eyesight. One cup of mashed, cooked pumpkin contains almost double the vitamin A required by our bodies. Consumption of pumpkin increases the eye’s ability to see in dim light. Pumpkins appear orange in color because of carotenoids, these carotenoids are converted by our body into a form of vitamin A which provides greater protection for eyes.

4. Weight loss

Pumpkin is an excellent source of fiber that is essential for weight loss and a healthy digestive system. Each serving of pumpkin contains almost 3 grams of fiber making it ideal for people who are trying to lose weight. Its also low in calories and has the ability to keep you full for a long time.

5. Healthy prostate

Prostate health is essential for men’s health. Pumpkins are a rich source of zinc, critical for a healthy prostate. Presence of this prostate-protecting mineral makes pumpkin an ideal snack for men. It also reduces risk of prostate cancer. Zinc also promotes the bodies’ ability to fight disease.

10 Health Benefits of Pumpkin you didn't know

6. Anti-diabetic

Pumpkins are helpful for people suffering from diabetes. Studies suggest that pumpkin seeds improve insulin levels which helps keep diabetes in control and helps prevent related complications by reducing oxidative stress levels.

7. Skin protection

The free radical neutralizing powers of carotenoids present in orange pumpkins help prevent skin cancer and help keep skin wrinkle-free. Pumpkins provide skin with extra support and protect it from sun damage.

8. Post-workout snack

Bananas are usually considered a natural energy snack and pumpkins are overlooked for this purpose. The fact is pumpkins contain more potassium, the refueling nutrient, in comparison with bananas. One banana contains approximately 442 milligrams of potassium while one cup of cooked pumpkin contains 564 milligrams.

9. Feel good

Pumpkins can make you feel good and enhance your mood. They contain tryptophan which helps fight depression. Tryptophan is converted by the body into serotonin and niacin which enhances mood and makes you feel happier.

10. Blood building

Pumpkins are rich in iron which is responsible for regulating the body’s blood supply and production of new blood tissues. Iron keeps blood levels up to the required levels and provides energy to the entire body. Snacking on pumpkin bars post-blood donation can be helpful.

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