Diabetes, dealing with sweet naturally

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Diabetes, dealing with sweet naturally

These days many people have adopted a sedentary lifestyle and extremely unhealthy eating habits that can lead to diabetes. This is a very common health problem whose main cause is lack of insulin.
Diabetics suffer from a variety of ailments. Type 1, or insulin-dependent-diabetes, usually starts showing symptoms in children. The most common treatment is to add hormone insulin to the bloodstream, which helps the body’s cells take up sugar.

Type 2 diabetes usually shows up in adults. In this more common type of diabetes the body’s sugar and insulin levels are out of normal range. You may be producing excessive insulin because your body has developed a resistance to it, or the insulin is not getting to the places where it’s most needed to deal with blood sugar. When you discover that your body cannot produce the insulin needed to deal with glucose, you may need to get a monitor for diabetes to ensure that your glucose levels remain safe.


There are various natural remedies that will help you to control the blood sugar levels:

1- Jambul: also known as jamun, the plant, leaves or seeds help control blood sugar levels.

2- Bitter gourd: bitter gourd juice on an empty stomach first thing in the morning helps to keep the blood glucose levels in control

3- Fenugreek: soak two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in water overnight, and drink it in the morning, along with the seeds, and repeat for a few months to bring down your high glucose levels

4- Guava: guava is packed with vitamin C and fiber, it can be helpful in maintaining blood sugar levels

5-Mango leaves : soak 10-15 mango leaves in a glass of water overnight, in the morning filter the water and drink it on an empty stomach

6- Cinnamon: this amazing and powerful herb has the ability to lower blood sugar levels, among many other things. Add a pinch of cinnamon and drink with warm water every day

7- Aloe Vera: mix 1-2 teaspoons of ground Bay Leaf, 1 teaspoon of turmeric with an equal part of Aloe Vera gel. Drink it daily before lunch and dinner to maintain your blood sugar levels

8- Water: drink the daily recommended amount of water to control high blood sugar levels, it mobilizes high sugar content in blood and thus will help in controlling it

9- Sunlight: moderate exposure is essential to gain energy and nourish your body, it can also improve the functionality of vitamin D, which is essential for insulin production

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