
The Positive Side of Medicine

Super-foods on a Stick!

super foods on a stick

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This is a combination of super-foods on a stick, it is crazy healthy and delicious! Bananas are just amazingly delicious and if you cover them with chocolate, there are just no words to explain this amazingness.

And it is perfect as a sweet treat packed with antioxidants, and all ingredients are literally super-foods, raw cacao, cacao nibs, and goji berries, among others (go crazy with the toppings, the more you add, the better it will be)

All you need is:

• 3 bananas
• 2-3 tablespoons raw cacao powder
• 1-2 droppers liquid stevia (optional)
• 3 ounces of water
• A handful of raw cacao nibs
• A handful of any super-food you want. (I use goji berries)

super foods on a stick 1

Peel bananas, place a stick into the end of 2 bananas and place in freezer until soft frozen, then place another banana, cacao powder, stevia, water into a blender and blend until creamy, then dunk the frozen banana into the chocolate sauce and top it with any topping you like!

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