
The Positive Side of Medicine

Dr.Oz Slimdown Drink

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Dr.Oz Slimdown Drink

Are you planning to wear a pretty bikini soon? Then the Dr. Oz’s swimsuit slim down drink is a must try if you want to feel and look even better than you probably do already! Drink it before every meal to burn away those extra pounds, and you’ll see the results faster than you think!
All you need is:

Dr.Oz Slim Down Drink

• 1 cup grapefruit juice, grapefruit is loaded with vitamin C, which is a fat burner itself.
• 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, which has an acetic acid that switch on genes your body needs to pump out fat-burning proteins.
• 1 teaspoon of honey or natural stevia

Swimsuit Slimdown Drink by Dr. Oz

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