Loving Yourself, Loving Your Body

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Loving Yourself, Loving Your Body

We talk about self-love a lot, but where does a person start? If the negative head voices have been bringing you down for a while, it’s going to take some work on your part to silence them. Starting small is fine, work a single step, do it well, and move on to something else. I thought you may find it helpful if I gave you some starter ideas on your path to self-love and acceptance.


Start your day with prayer and/or meditation, it will change your life. I have long tried to do a short prayer, but really connecting with God early in the day makes an unbelievable difference in my life. Recalling things to be grateful for has a positive impact on the whole day. When it seems your whole life is awful and you are drowning in muck, get back on solid ground as fast as you can. Reality and gratitude checks are the best way to do this. For an example, this morning as I was puttering around in my kitchen, I was saying thank you, it is snowing outside and I woke up in a nice warm bed. I have delicious coffee brewing at this moment. I am out of bed and moving. I have delicious healthy food and clean water to nourish my body, and my faith to nourish my soul.

love yourself more

If you could afford it, would you love a spa day? My daughter and I give each other mani-pedis. My sister was teasing me about not having to rush off to work every day, as now taking care of myself is my job, and this computer, and I often work in my pajamas or yoga pants, I then decided that’s not very positive, so I started painting my nails more, for years as a nurse I couldn’t so that’s fun for me. Paint your nails or buff them, take some rich cream and massage it into your hands paying special attention to the cuticles and the fleshy area between thumb and first finger, brings such a sense of well being!

While you’re thinking about that, take a nice relaxing bath or shower, anoint your body with scented oil, it feels good, it smells good, it’s so therapeutic. If you like parts of your body shaved or waxed, do that, don’t put it off because it’s winter and no one sees your legs, or whatever, it makes you feel better, do it.

my body

When you get dressed put on pretty underthings if you are wearing scrubs, for example, or a uniform, or pajamas… pretty underthings can change your whole outlook and make you feel more attractive. This trick works for men too, buy a pair of silk boxers that feel delicious against your skin, you will feel better all day for it.

Stop waiting to live your life, your life is not waiting for you, it’s happening right now. Don’t wait until you have the perfect job, or lose 10 pounds, or 50, or 100. Buy one outfit that makes you feel and look amazing and wear it. I bought a great purple top at Kohl’s that was originally $60.00, I got it for $5.00, I love the bargain almost as much as I do the top! Stop waiting for people to love you also, love yourself, buy yourself flowers, treat yourself to a nice dinner with candlelight and soft music, even if you cook it!

Get a massage or a new hair color, or highlights. If you can’t afford these things look into a local beauty school, it can be very inexpensive, and it’s beneficial to the students. They are completely supervised and often more conscientious than a regular salon, as they are doing it for a grade, it’s amazing what a new look can do for your self-esteem!

Read up on any medical conditions you or a loved one may have, find supplements that may help, look into diet and exercise changes that may be beneficial, being proactive about your health makes a big difference. Knowing that you are doing everything you possibly can in your limits brings great peace of mind

Forgive yourself. Stop dwelling on who you were yesterday, and concentrate on the person you are today. Forgive yourself for not making tons of money or being able to take a vacation or being able to buy expensive presents for your kids and grandkids. I bought my granddaughter a doll from a dollar store, she plays with it all the time, she doesn’t know, or care, that it was cheap. I heard on a radio show the other day that deca-millionaires, the very rich, spend much of their time doing fun, inexpensive or free activities, and enjoy time with their children and grandchildren, that was amazing to me, I live like a deca-millionaire!! That is pretty awesome!


Take a class, read a book, learn a new skill, take a virtual vacation. Your local library is a treasure trove of learning and experiences. If, for example, you have always wanted to go to Italy, check out books and videos about it, get some language tapes, immerse yourself in the culture. If you have always wanted to play the guitar, sign up for a class or 2! As long as you are breathing it is not to late to follow your dreams, even if they have to be modified.

If I leave you with nothing else, remember this, it is no one else’s job or responsibility to make you happy, and no one else can. Happiness comes from within, then explodes like fireworks in the darkness, spreading out to everyone around you. Love peace & hugs…

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