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Tank Top Arms Workout

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Tank Top Arms Workout


There is nothing that shows off a toned upper body and arms like a tank top, so, if you’re still wearing long sleeves to avoid the exposure, watch this Best workout video we’ve got for you! How to make your shoulders and arms more toned and fit with this workout video, you will love showing off your firm shoulders, arms, and upper-back muscles!

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“The shoulders are the most important muscle group of the upper body for appearance as well as function,” says Brad Schoenfeld, MS, CSCS, a fitness trainer in Scarsdale, N.Y. “Even if you have nice arms, you won’t look good if your shoulders are stooped.” Well-developed shoulders also give the illusion of a smaller waist, like built-in shoulder pads. So, keep up with these exercises and you´ll be ready to give away all those long sleeves!!

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