
The Positive Side of Medicine

Foods and Supplements for Fibromyalgia

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Foods and Supplements for Fibromyalgia

Foods and Supplements for Fibromyalgia:

The food list for fibromyalgia was obtained from Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN after my diagnosis, the list of supplements for fibromyalgia is from friends and various doctors, it’s a composite from many sources. Amounts recommended vary but I will try to help where I can.

Foods to Kick Out

  • artificial sweeteners
  • corn syrup
  • hydrogenated oil
  • food dyes (esp. red #3, #40, yellow #5)
  • enriched flours
  • bleached flours
  • canned vegetables (except tomatoes and beans)
  • sugary cereals
  • boxed or instant potatoes
  • instant rice
  • low-fat mayonnaise
  • fake butter
  • soda (regular or diet)
  • processed meats
  • American cheese
  • candy bars
  • high sugar fruits

foods for fibromyalgia__1438447039_174.141.155.106

Foods to Bring In:

  • cold pressed extra virgin olive oil
  • lentils
  • beans
  • quinoa
  • organic chicken broth
  • vinegar
  • dried spices
  • kefir
  • organic yogurt
  • hummus
  • fresh vegetables
  • fresh herbs
  • Bragg’s liquid aminos
  • grain mustard
  • miso
  • sparkling water

Foods and Supplements Guide for Fibromyalgia 2

Supplements for Fibromyalgia:

  • 5 HTP – amino acid – may help with pain
  • Astragalus – helps with immune function, may help with pain and joint stiffness
  • Gotu Kola – may help with sleep disorders, fatigue, and depression
  • Magnesium – alleviation of symptoms, about 400 mg/day
  • Quercetin – antioxidant properties, may limit release of histamines
  • guaifenasin – 300 mg twice daily
  • SAM-e – chronic pain and depression
  • Skullcap – anti-inflammatory and joint pain
  • Vitamin D – pain and fatigue
  • Vitamin B Complex – fatigue, brain fog
  • fish oil  – pain  24,000 mg/day
  • ribose – joint pain, this is a simple sugar, not recommended for diabetics
  • brown seaweed extract – symptom relief
  • capsaicin cream – joint pain, apply topically 4 times a day



Many of the supplements vary in dosage, talk to your health care provider and start with a minimum dose, if you feel a positive difference you may increase dosage as recommended. I do not personally recommend all of the supplements listed, some of them I have not tried yet, others are rather pricey or hard to find. With FM you need to find what works for you, it will probably not be the same as what others take or that help them. I personally take prescriptions for vertigo, brain fog, anxiety, pain, tremors, and muscle spasms. I take supplements to increase energy, protect my stomach and digestive system, and for pain. I also take over the counter pain medications, it’s a defining symptom for me.

Please let me know if I can offer you any advice or help, or an ear, thank you.

Make sure to read these very useful articles:
Fibromyalgia: What You Need To Know and Treatments
Fibromyalgia Symptoms

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