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All You Need to Know About Tea

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All You Need to Know About Tea

All You Need to Know About Tea

I drink quite a bit of tea, and I was completely unaware that brewing different types takes different times and temperatures to prevent bitterness.This explains a lot!

Their are many different types of tea with all kinds of different benefits. Here are a few teas with their benefits:
Rooibos Teas
Rooibos teas are herbal infusions made from a South African red bush and sometimes called “red tea”. There are also green Rooibos teas that are just as delicious as the popular red teas. These teas are delicious iced and hot and come in a wide variety of flavors.

Health benefits of Rooibos Tea:
– High in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals
– May help control allergies and fight colds
– Good for your skin and complexion
– Helps improve digestion
– Naturally caffeine-free

Mate Teas
Mate is a wild shrub from Argentina that makes a delicious, flavorful tea. Mate tea contains a stimulant to caffeine, although without the jitteriness or addictive tendencies.

Health benefits of Mate tea:
– Rich in vitamins and minerals
– Works as an appetite suppressant
– 100% of the caffeine in a cup of coffee

Herbal Teas
Herbal teas (which are also called “tisanes”) are simple, effective, inexpensive, caffeine and drug free ways to enjoy the taste and benefits of herbs and spices. By drinking herbal tea, you’re also providing your body with some much needed hydration.

tea time

Black Teas
Delicious black teas are loved in the west. Full-bodied and strong, they taste great alone or with milk and sugar. And they make great iced tea. The caffeine makes them a good morning tea. But it won’t give you the jitters like coffee.

Green Teas
Green Teas have a clean, delicious taste that you will enjoy.
Green teas include EGCG complex, a highly desirable antioxidant.

Health benefits of Green Tea:
_ May help boost immune system
– includes Polyphenols which may help prevent the growth of certain cancers
– Soothes the stomach and digestive system
– Regulates blood sugar
– Lowers Cholesterol
– Contains 5-10% of the caffeine in a cup of coffee

This marvelous poster has facts and figures about tea, a very handy guide.

Enjoy some now!

Edited by: Ellie July 31st 2014

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