
The Positive Side of Medicine

The Paleo Diet

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The Paleo Diet

I was talking with a friend this morning and he told me many of his friends are now on Paleo diet and they’re happy with that. I’m not a fan of Paleo diet, and we both agreed that nothing in extreme lasts for a long time.

According to its advocates, the “Paleolithic Diet” or “Paleo Diet” is ancient answers to modern problems. It’s taken about 10,000 years but the Paleo diet is making a comeback. Due to misinformation and confusion surrounding the Paleo diet, we’re sharing this infographic that covers the origins and advantages of the Paleo diet as well as dispells myths about the Paleo diet. Please note that we’re not advocating any diets and in future, we plan to comprehensively compare the positive and negative sides of each diet.

The Paleo Revolution
Presented By: MedicalBillingAndCoding.org

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