
The Positive Side of Medicine

“Thank you Lord, You’ve blessed us So”

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"Thank you Lord, You’ve blessed us So"

Thank you Lord, You’ve blessed us so
For the good health, that’s truly a wealth
For the heart where love is always felt
For the challenges that were ably dealt
For the wisdom every experience gave
For the faith that’s always been a help

Thank you Lord, You’ve blessed us so
For our family who are always there
For our friends who are great supporter
For the smile & kindness of strangers
To our mentors who are great teachers
To the antagonists, they just make us better

Thank you Lord, You’ve blessed us so
The job that we have, the tasks that we do
The pressures of work that keep us on the go
The opportunity of learning from each other too
Be it in school, office, wherever though
But please the stress, oh make them few

Thank you Lord, You’ve blessed us so
For the heart that is capable of loving
For every beat of hope it is giving
That everything is a matter of right timing
As each one is just truly deserving
To love, be loved, all out of praying

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