This is such a cute way to make sure there is one healthy appetizer, if there are kids around get them to help with this adorable project. If you’re going to munch, might as well be on this!
- Ingredients:
Romaine or leaf lettuce
1 cucumber, sliced
1 red bell pepper
1 yellow bell pepper
1 green bell pepper
Baby carrots
2 black beans or black olives
1/3 celery stalkDirections:1) Slice the bell peppers crosswise and then cut each circle in half. Cut one 1/2″ piece off of one of the red pepper slices and set aside (this will be used for the face). Set aside the bottom part of the peppers for the turkey’s body.2) For the feathers: Cover a platter with the leaves of lettuce. To make the turkey’s feathers, start with forming a circle with the cucumber slices towards the bottom of the platter. Above the cucumbers, form a semi-circle with the red peppers, then the yellow peppers, then the green peppers. Place the baby carrots vertically above the last row of peppers.3) To make the turkey’s body and face: Break two toothpicks in half. Put two of the toothpicks where the eyes will go. Push the black beans onto the toothpick making sure that the toothpick doesn’t go all the way through. Cut a triangle out of the leftover bottom from the yellow pepper. Attach with a toothpick below the eyes. Attach the reserved red pepper piece to the left of the yellow pepper “beak”.
4) For the Legs: Cut the piece of celery in half lengthwise. On each piece, carefully slice lengthwise from the end of the celery piece to almost the center. Do this twice on each piece. Place the celery in ice water and place in the refrigerator until the ends curl. When curled, nestle the un-curled end under the cucumbers.
Serve with hummus or other “allergy free” dip.