
The Positive Side of Medicine

Coffee, Tea, or ?

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Coffee, Tea, or ?

If you enjoy your morning coffee you should enjoy reading this. If you enjoy your afternoon tea you should enjoy this as well. Both beverages have much to offer, and some risks, be informed and choose accordingly. Whichever you drink, or a mix of both, enjoy it in good health!

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“I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.” Mother Teresa Many situations

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Carrot Chips

Try these healthy snack busters! Full of vitamins and good things! You can add freshly ground black pepper to your carrots. Even you can add

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OH WHAT A BEAUTIFUL MORNING, OH WHAT A BEAUTIFUL DAY! “Hi mom, I’ll be coming to see you in five days”. “Oh how great,” mom

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