
The Positive Side of Medicine

The Eyes Have It…

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The Eyes Have It...

Okay, I think I’m funny… we are given one set of eyes at this time, here is an amazing poster that shows how to keep them healthy. As we spend more and more time on computers, smart phones, tablets, etc. it is essential to keep abreast of health news to keep our eyes healthy. And don’t forget your carrots!

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5 Natural Treatments for Intestinal Worms

Have you heard about this? Infestation of worms in the digestive system is common throughout the world, particularly in young children. Worms can sometimes be

Quotes For You

Never mistake knowledge for wisdom

Never mistake knowledge for wisdom; one helps you make a living the other helps you make a life.    

Chronic disease

The Gallbladder

–by Dr. Michael L. Johnson The gallbladder stores and concentrates bile from the liver and releases it into the small intestine to further digest food,

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