Dear Heart!
Dear Heart! please stop getting involved in everything. Your job is to pump blood, that’s it!
The Positive Side of Medicine
Dear Heart! please stop getting involved in everything. Your job is to pump blood, that’s it!
The Strange Affect Of Your Favorite Sports Drink! You just finished a grueling workout at the gym and what’s the first thing you reach for?
These 6 Amazing Foods Will Flush Out Nicotine From Your Body You want to get rid of the bad tobacco taste in your mouth, and
If you feel like you may have a parasite in your body, it can be a pretty frightening thought. According to the University of Maryland,
When you’re working out and wanting to build muscle out, it can be a frustratingly slow process. Whether you already have your bulking up plan
If you exercise on a regular basis and eat good food it’s easy to stay healthy. Unfortunately the world is a nasty place and it’s
The Positive Side of Medicine