“I’m not sure about you, but I’m at the idea that I’ve only got one shot
at this life, and I am not, under any circumstance, throwing it away on
being the victim. I will not waste it on hating, judgment, or selfishness.
I want to win for myself, for everybody around me, and the world. Take the
leap of faith, push yourself, and live the life you dare to dream.”
-Daniel Chidiac-
Excerpt from “Who Says You Can’t? YOU DO” by Daniel Chidiac. Being
released early 2012.
Daniel Chidiac has dedicated his life to finding the answers to “why some people are living an extraordinary life, while others are never really fulfilled?” Through his journey he has modeled the most successful people known to man, traveled overseas to meet with leaders who have the strongest mindset on the planet, interacted with exceptional achievers and coached people from all the around the globe.