
The Positive Side of Medicine

Be Patient… God Hasn’t Finished with me Yet

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Be Patient... God Hasn't Finished with me Yet

That was on a notebook I had in 6th or 7th grade, it had a Precious Moments character and   was textured so you could put paper over it & copy the design. I have always thought it was such a beautiful thought, and I think it is a reminder for ourselves rather than other people. We need to learn patience with ourselves, our faults and foibles, and be comfortable with our brokenness.

I love the idea that I am not done growing, not done learning, not done evolving into the person I was intended to be. I am worlds away from the 19 year old newlywed with a baby, I am also different from the terrified 34 year old that walked away from a bad marriage. I used to wish to hurry and change, to hurry and get where I am supposed to be, until I realized that the journey is where I am supposed to be, I need to learn every lesson from each situation so that I can move on to the next level.


I think continuing to grow and learn keeps our mindsets young and fresh, open to possibilities. I also love spending time with children to see anew the joy and wonder of everyday things, everything from butterflies to a first encounter with an automatic flush, seeing the wonder in life keeps us from becoming jaded when our journey becomes long.

Embrace your imperfect self, and be thankful for each opportunity to learn and grow, and share that knowledge with others. I am a work in progress, but as long as I ever strive for personal betterment it makes for a wonderful journey. We are all in different places on our life journey, so be patient with those you come into contact with, God is not finished with them either, what wonderful news! It is not too late to improve, nor is it ever.


About the author:
MamaSteph has 2 kids by birth and several by love, she is a nurse and enjoys finding healthier ways to make comfort foods, gardening, enjoying nature, and living life to the fullest…For a list of her blogs please click here.

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