
The Positive Side of Medicine

Keeping Motivation Strong When the Scale Stops Moving

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Keeping Motivation Strong When the Scale Stops Moving

There is nothing more frustrating than following your eating and exercise plan and seeing no changes on the scale for a week, or 2 weeks, or even 3… Take a deep breath, it could just be some minor tweaks are needed.

1) When was the last time you changed your cardio exercise? Your body will adapt in time to the same old thing, so try something new and give your metabolism a swift kick… try Zumba, kickboxing, spinning, hiking, or inline skating, just something different.

2) Are you eating enough? Yes, enough. Keeping a food diary is essential, as is seeing your eating patterns. I have always thought of myself as a healthy eater, I was stunned by how many days I was not eating enough calories… and then a day here and there of going over normal, your metabolism stands still as it doesn’t know how to respond! Think of your body as a sports car, it needs proper fuel for peak performance… this analogy is also helpful when you think about how bad sugar is for your gas tank AND your body…

3) Take a look at yourself in the mirror, a good look, I like to do this fresh from the shower.  My skin looks so fresh and rosy, my pores are small, my hair is thick and shiny; all of this is from the changes I have made to make my body healthier, what I put in it and what I keep out of it. Think about the last time you ate a meal out without conscious thought of what makes your body feel good, or how good you feel from meeting your weekly workout goals.

You didn’t get your body unhealthy in a day, you won’t blink your eyes and be where you want to be healthwise. Relax. Ease up on yourself. Learn to love you and your body in all its stages. You will get there, of course you will.

About the author:
MamaSteph has 2 kids by birth and several by love, she is a nurse and enjoys finding healthier ways to make comfort foods, gardening, enjoying nature, and living life to the fullest…

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