
The Positive Side of Medicine

Turmeric Juice Shot Is Equivalent to 60 Minutes of Exercise

Turmeric Juice Shot Is Equivalent to 60 Minutes of Exercise

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Imagine enjoying the cardiovascular benefits you achieve from a brisk morning walk or jog for an hour by simply ingesting a glass of turmeric juice, the herb extract that puts the curry flavor into Indian cooking.

Athletics who participate in sports regularly should find that idea intriguing and welcome. In fact, such a statement might be brushed aside as being too good to be true.

Well, according to a recent study in the American Journal of Cardiology, it is true. A daily glass of turmeric extract (150 mg of Turmeric extract) lowers the risk of heart attacks by 56%, according to the study. Those results back up a 2012 research study reported in the Nutritional Research journal. That study concluded that a daily shot of turmeric has the same positive effect on the cardiovascular system as 60 minutes of brisk exercise.

Many sports people swear by the positive results of including turmeric in their daily diet. Some juice fresh turmeric root to incorporate it in a smoothie. Others choose to make a turmeric ginger tea as their method of ingesting the herb.

10 reasons to use turmeric every day

1. Turmeric is an effective anti-microbial agent that attacks and destroys bacterial and viral infections. and destroys both.

2. Turmeric effectively treats respiratory illnesses, something any sports-minded person would appreciate.

3. It is a powerful cold and flu remedy.

4. Studies have shown that the curcumin compound in turmeric can help prevent even halt the growth of prostate, breast, skin, lung and colon cancers.

5. Turmeric helps detoxify the liver.

6. Alzheimer’s disease may be slowed taking by a regular regimen of turmeric extract.

7. It is a potent natural anti-inflammatory, a benefit especially welcomed by sportspeople who run a lot and depend on a pain-free knee and ankle joints. Turmeric is also excellent in reducing the effects of arthritis, gout, and autoimmune diseases.

RELATED ARTICLE: 10 Reasons Everyone Should Drink Warm Turmeric Water Every Morning

8. It’s a natural pain killer that can be substituted for harmful and addictive painkilling drugs.

9. Turmeric helps in the metabolism of fat.

10. Turmeric speeds up wound healing.

Health Benefits of Turmeric Juice

The benefits described above can mainly be attributed to the compound curcumin, its primary polyphenol. To achieve the maximum positive results in using turmeric, follow these points:

– 150 gm of turmeric powder taken daily for 8 weeks can show improvement in your heart function.

– The curcumin content in the turmeric extract you buy at the store is approximately 2 percent, a safe number.

– One teaspoon of turmeric extract taken daily is the minimum amount of turmeric needed to provide the health benefits most people are looking for. Turmeric capsules are also available.

– Adding a pinch of turmeric to your cooking will not only provide that delicious curry flavor but also assist in improving your health.

READ ALSO: How Much Turmeric Is Enough To Cure Your Serious Health Problems?

Although turmeric does improve the operation of your cardiovascular system, don’t get lazy and think you can slack off on your daily exercise routine. Everyone agrees, including the researchers who conducted the turmeric studies, that nothing can replace the need to be physically active in order to maintain top physical health.

Think of taking a daily dose of turmeric extract as a bonus that adds to the positive results of regular physical exertions and exercise.

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