This Maryland Baby is Going Strong After Being Taken Off Life Support

This Maryland Baby is Going Strong After Being Taken Off Life Support

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It’s a choice that no one should ever have to face. Taking your baby off of life support has to be the worst decision anyone could ever have to make. Monique Goldring was set to face that very scenario with her own young baby almost a year ago. However, she probably couldn’t imagine what would happen after she made that decision. 

This Maryland Baby is Going Strong After Being Taken Off Life Support

The mother from Maryland had given birth to a beautiful baby girl named Phoenix. Unfortunately, Phoenix had been born with a serious heart defect known as “double outlet right ventricle”. Because of the defect, her heart was not able to circulate oxygen throughout her body in the usual way. When Phoenix was just 2-months-old, doctors put a stent in her heart during just one of the many surgeries she was slated to undergo.

When Phoenix turned 7-months-old, she was struck with a severe nosebleed while at home with her family. As they rushed her to the hospital, she stopped breathing and turned blue. Goldring stated that she knew that her baby was gone. While she did survive the sudden cardiac arrest, the young baby was left with significant brain damage. 

Phoenix was on life support for almost a month before Goldring made the agonizing decision to remove the ventilator that allowed her to breathe. She told doctors that she could tell how “tired” her baby was of fighting for her life. After coming off of the ventilator, Goldring sat with her baby and waited. Although the doctors stated that it would take about six hours for her to pass away, that time came and went. Her mother watched as her baby continued to thrive without the help of a ventilator. 

While Phoenix was discharged from the hospital in May, she was placed in hospice status after doctors stated she would probably die if they continue with the necessary surgeries she needs for blood flow. She will also outgrow the stent that was placed in her heart. 

Goldring is hoping to find a doctor who is willing to take a risk with the next two surgeries her daughter needs. While there are still challenges up ahead, Goldring has been focused on all of the small milestones she didn’t think she would ever see. The next milestone coming up? Phoenix’s first birthday party. She plans on having lots of food and activities with her friends, family, and of course, little Phoenix. 

Goldring went on to say that while she doesn’t know what the future has in store for them, she is just elated that she has this time with her “miracle baby”. 

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