
The Positive Side of Medicine

Get Rid of Large Pores Using One Ingredient

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Get Rid of Large Pores Using One Ingredient

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have that dewy, flawless skin that you see in the pages of your favorite magazine? No more blemishes. No more large pores. No more insecurities. What if I told you that you could have this and without those expensive creams and potions that you see at the make-up counter in your favorite department store? You can. And it’s easy. Just take a short trip to your kitchen and open the cupboard where you keep the baking soda. Yep. This magical skin elixir is yours and yours for less than a buck.

Large Pores Using One Ingredient

What It Does

According to All Women’s Talk, baking soda does more than make your drain smell fresh. It turns out that your lowly box of Arm & Hammer has antibiotic properties that help you reduce breakouts and fungal infections. FitLive.TV goes on to say that it returns your skin to a more alkaline state as it detoxifies it, and it functions as an exfoliant, allowing you to gently slough off those dead skin cells that cause your skin to look dull.

But most importantly for our purposes here, it has anti-inflammatory properties that help to shrink your pores.

How to Make a Baking Soda Scrub

Making this pore-reducer is easy peasy. There are two variations on how to use this mask/ scrub.

Baking Soda Scrub #1:

• 2 TBSP of baking soda
• 2 TBSP of water

Mix these two ingredients into a paste.
Apply to your face, using a circular motion. Continue this for 30 seconds.
Rinse the face with cold water.

For the first week, you can use this as a substitute for your regular face-washing routine: Do it five to seven times the first week. After that, reduce it to three times a week.

RELATED ARTICLE: How To Get Rid Of Blackheads And Minimize Pores Without Using Any Chemicals

Baking Soda Scrub #2:

Same ingredients, same amounts.

Instead of rubbing this on your face in a circular motion, apply it to the face and leave it for 15 to 20 minutes.
Rinse it off with cold water. Do this mask everyday.

Things to Remember About Baking Soda Masks

You should also note that if you have sensitive skin, baking soda can cause irritation, so do this on a small patch of your skin first to see how your skin responds. Or reduce the number of times you substitute the baking soda scrub for your regular routine.

Other Uses for Baking Soda

You don’t need to stop at your face. Baking soda does wonderful things for the skin all over your body.

Soften the Skin on Your Feet

Day in, day out your feet take you where you want to go. They also take a beating in the process. Between the rub of your shoes to the aches caused by wearing high heels, it’s no wonder your feet cry out for a little TLC. Why not pamper them? Soak them in this mixture for soothing relief and smoother skin:

Pour 1/2 c. of baking soda into a gallon of warm water. Immerse your feet in it for a half an hour for smoother skin.

*If you want a deeper foot bath, just use a 1/2 c. of baking soda for every gallon of warm water that you add to the mix.


Eliminate Toxins

If you loved what baking soda does for your face and your feet, imagine what it could do for the rest of your body. It makes a wonderful and effective detox bath. It also provides minerals for your body.

Just draw a bath and then add:

• 1/2 c. of baking soda
• 2 c. of Epsom salts

Give yourself a soak for 30 minutes to get the benefits of this baking soda wash.

There you have it! You’ve discovered the secret (and cheap) beauty ingredient that resides in your cupboard. Use baking soda generously to rid yourself of large pores and to give your skin a more beautiful look!

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