
The Positive Side of Medicine


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Common Knee Cartilage Problems

Common Knee Cartilage Problems Cartilage is tough, flexible, connective tissue with a rubbery feel that covers the ends of bones. It’s found almost everywhere in

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Mapping paid maternity leave

This is a very interesting and somehow disappointing diagram for those who have maternity leave in the United States. Zero days?! Interestingly, Canadian are on


Hidden Sugars!

In addition to the healthy foods with naturally occurring sugar like fruit and some vegetables, (think corn, beets, and potatoes) over 50% of our daily

Why Extremely Beautiful People Get Fewer Dates

Why Extremely Beautiful People Get Fewer Dates

Every person would like to be more beautiful, and it is evident with the current multi-billion dollar cosmetic industry. Though it is counter-intuitive, being beautiful

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