
The Positive Side of Medicine

2 Types of Cancer-Causing Inflammation and How to Get Rid of Them Naturally

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2 Types of Cancer-Causing Inflammation and How to Get Rid of Them Naturally

2 Types of Cancer-Causing Inflammation and How to Get Rid of Them Naturally

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Inflammation is a localized physical condition that contains a multitude of symptoms such as pain, swelling, reddening, and the inflamed area even becomes hot to the touch. Inflammation is sometimes a sign of healing, but other times, it is a sign of a far more serious condition. Additionally, there are two types of inflammation: acute and chronic. Regardless of the causes, types, or level of pain experienced by inflammation, it is essential to screen for other conditions and to gain knowledge of natural remedies that prevent this condition.

2 Types of Cancer-Causing Inflammations and How to Get Rid of them Naturally


The causes of inflammation are vast and can be the result of past injuries or surgeries. However, this condition can actually be the symptom of something more serious such as an infection. Inflammation due to infections is categorized as being either acute or chronic and include sinusitis and periodontitis. This can also be a symptom of very serious conditions such as cancer, hepatitis, Chron’s disease, heart disease, and arthritis.


Pain, coughing, sneezing, digestive problems, and the inability to use limbs are some of the effects of inflammation.

Difference Between Acute and Chronic Inflammation

Chronic inflammation is a long-term condition. Diseases and conditions that fall under this category include Rheumatoid arthritis, inflammation of the liver known as hepatitis, and heart disease. Chronic inflammation is is treatable in most cases, but some conditions are incurable.

Acute inflammation starts rapidly and becomes more severe over time. Bronchitis, cuts or scrapes, appendicitis, dermatitis, meningitis, and tonsillitis are all acute forms of inflammation. These conditions must all be treated immediately and usually never occur again because the infected area is sometimes removed from the body.

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Dangers of Inflammation

Certain diseases affiliated with this condition can result in death in serious cases. If left untreated, hepatitis greatly endangers the human life by the constant strain put on the damaged liver. Edema, which is swelling of the limbs, can be a serious symptom of a heart condition and must be examined immediately as a patient is at risk for a heart attack. Inflammation is the immune system’s way of telling somebody that something is wrong in the body and it cannot fight it off.

Twenty Natural Ways to Prevent or Cure Inflammation


1. Turmeric: This spice contains a compound called curcumin. This compound is high in antioxidants and protects the liver from cellular damage as a result of too much oxidation. The University of Maryland’s School of Medicine conducted studies using turmeric.

2. Ginger

3. Cayenne

4. Basil

5. Oregano

The compounds found in herbs and spices are found to regulate hormone levels in the body. Irregular hormone levels can cause serious conditions that cause inflammation.

6. Foods Rich in Omega 3 Fatty Acids: The nutrients from these foods stop inflammation pathways from forming in the body. Fish is a food rich in omega 3 fatty acids.

Leafy Green Vegetables

7. Spinach

8. Kale

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9. Lettuce

As a result of the chlorophyll found in these greens, anti-inflammatory properties are present in those who regularly consume these items.

Dark Green Vegetables

10. Broccoli

11. Cucumber

12. Celery

13. Zucchini

The alkalizing elements found in these vegetables carry anti-inflammatory properties.

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14. Cherries

15. Blackberries

16. Strawberries

As a result of the high vitamin C levels found in these berries, free radicals are unable to enter the body. This reduces the risk of contracting inflammation-causing conditions such as the flu, a sore throat, and even cancer.

17. Regular Physical Activity: Exercising regularly lowers cholesterol levels, maintains hormone levels, produces beneficial hormones, and can boost immune health.

18. Adequate Hydration

19. Reducing Stress: Free radicals are easily able to enter the body when it is weakened by stress. Of course, stress contributes to irregular sleep patterns and heart problems as well.

20. Adequate Mobility: Exercising or being on your feet too much causes inflammation. A healthy balance of physical activity and relaxation is essential in preventing this condition.

In conclusion, inflammation is caused by many factors. A lot of people feel that medication is needed to combat this condition, but natural remedies are often the best bet. Following up with a doctor is essential to ensure that the cause of your inflammation is not life threatening. Reading the previously mentioned studies and finding more will also help in preventing this condition.


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