
The Positive Side of Medicine

Heal Yourself From Constipation, Gas, And Bloating By Pressing THIS Point For 1 Minute

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Heal Yourself From Constipation, Gas, And Bloating By Pressing THIS Point For 1 Minute

Heal Yourself From Constipation, Gas, And Bloating By Pressing THIS Point For 1 Minute

Ask most people, and they would say that bloating, gas and constipation are very uncomfortable and not always easy to relieve. Ancient Chinese medicine would tell us otherwise, because there is an instant solution, one that takes barely a minute to complete, and then you’re good to go.

Constipation, Gas, And Bloating

We’re talking about acupressure. That is the magic word to conquer the dreaded bloating, gas and constipation.

Acupressure has been around for more than 5,000 years now and still going strong. So, this ancient healing practice must be doing something right. Chinese physicians had discovered that by pressing points on the body, they could relieve pain and also affect the functioning of certain internal organs.

Acupressure offers the perfect solution to your uncomfortable belly, and we will show you the quick fix in a few moments, but first, let’s look at the science of bloating and how these annoying, embarrassing and sometimes painful symptoms can develop.

Our diet contains a number of foods that cause the belly to bloat and become gassy. These common foods are often poorly absorbed in the small intestine and create those unpleasant symptoms. For instance, dairy products like milk, yogurt, ice cream, and soft cheeses can unleash the discomfort. Most people are unaware that fruit like apples, pears, avocados, blackberries, and plums can distend your abdomen. Vegetables and legumes are also culprits that erupt in constipation, and some of these include broccoli, cauliflower, eggplant, onion, garlic, kidney beans, and lentils. Even sugars like fructose which are present in sodas can cause bloat.

RELATED ARTICLE: Natural Remedies for Constipation

Our one-minute, self-acupressure technique will have you feeling quite relieved and content. Let’s find the magic point now!

Measure two finger widths below your belly button on each side. Press fingers into the abdomen and begins gently massaging the area for 1 minute. Massaging this point helps to relieve cramping in the belly and the lower back, as well as bloating, gas, constipation and other digestive issues.

You can also press this point with your fingertips. If the pressure of your fingertips is too much, then you can just press with your palm. Press this point for one minute and focus on relaxation and deep breathing.

The beauty of this one-minute acupressure point technique for relieving constipation is in its simplicity and quickness. You can perform this acupressure method by either lying down, standing up, or even sitting down. Any of these three positions would result in effective results.

Too often, we resort to drugstore medicines or expensive prescriptions to try and alleviate common conditions like bloating, gas and constipation. Some of these products are harsh to the intestines, ineffective, habitual and a waste of money. A simple one-minute, a self-acupressure technique is certainly smart to consider, as you have nothing to lose, and it’s done quickly in the privacy of your own space. It’s healthy, good for your body and actually works.

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