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See How She Turns Her Broken Window Blinds Into A Roman Work Of Art

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See How She Turns Her Broken Window Blinds Into A Roman Work Of Art

See How She Turns Her Broken Window Blinds Into A Roman Work Of Art

As intelligent women, we cringe at the though of window blinds being snapped and broken before our eyes. However, this do-it-yourself decorative piece turns those worn blinds into a modern Roman stylization that will lighten up any home space with ease. Roman architecture and design has been used since 509 BC with influence in major landmarks like the beautiful Justice Hall in New York City.

Blinds Into A Roman Work Of Art

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Should you find yourself with free time and blinds that you can use as crafting material, this video can be used to revolutionize your home. Simply calculate how many blind-slats you will need to fit your window opening, snap off the excess slats, and finally align your remaining slats on top of a fabric of your choice. Glue the edges of the fabric to the slat alignment and you now have Roman styled blinds!

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