How Much Friendly relation Activity Is Excessive?
Society’s preoccupation with their behavior in the bedroom seems to be an ongoing saga. In addition to concerns about performance, one of the most frequently asked questions is about quantity; whether they are lacking or getting too much of a good thing. Although there is no real quantitative source to compare oneself with, there are several ways to gauge whether someone is overindulging.
Scientifically Speaking
Recent studies performed by the Kinsey Institute revealed that people between the ages of 18 to 29 years old have relations approximately 112 times per year as compared to individuals aged 30 to 39 years old who are !ntimate roughly 86 times per year. When couples first meet and are in the “honeymoon phase”, they are totally infatuated and tend to be !ntimate whenever they are together. Over time, they fall into a comfortable routine, maintaining !ntimacy once or twice a week which helps to ensure a healthy relationship. The question is, how often is too often?
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Since every couple is different, there is no true way to say how much is too much, but if being “together” is superseding other aspects of the relationship such as communication about daily life or doing outside activities, it could indicate a problem. Healthy relationships are well-rounded and comprised of friendship, !ntimacy and a variety of common interests. If couples use physical attraction to replace other vital components within the relationship, it could be a signal for potential problems down the road. In addition, when only one person is more interested than the other, this too can be an issue in the long run.
Quantity Versus Quality
Filling every waking moment together undressed may sound thrilling and romantic, but it can cool even the hottest of flames. When there is nothing to look forward to or even imagine, what once was a thrilling game of cat and mouse now seems more like a long road to nowhere. Enjoyment needs to be mutual and never seem like a chore.
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Communication is the key in any relationship. !ntimacy plays a large role, and both men and women need to be open and honest about what they want, as well as what they can do without. All relationships have their share of ups and downs and with this comes varying degrees physical !ntimacy. Spending time “together” should never feel like an obligation.