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5 Simple Fixes to Tone Anything that Jiggles

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5 Simple Fixes to Tone Anything that Jiggles

5 Simple Fixes to Tone Anything that Jiggles

Whether its a belly bulge, thighs that jiggle or upper arms that wiggle, unless you’re an elite athlete there’s probably a body part or two that you’d like to tone and tighten.

You don’t have to spend hours in the gym or cut out all your favorite foods to lose stubborn pockets of body fat. All it takes is a little bit of know-how combined with the
dedication to put what you learn into practice.

5 Simple Fixes to Tone Anything that Jiggles

Here are 5 Quick Fixes for Flab

1. Cut out sugar and processed foods. You might think that eating fat will create fat in your body. Surprise! Sugar is the No. 1 cause of the type of fat that we think of as flab. Sugar, sodas and sugary drinks, simple carbohydrates and heavily processed grains are the worst culprits.

2. Drink more water. Thirst often masquerades as hunger. Before grabbing a bag of chips or a bowl of ice cream, drink a glass of water with a squeeze of lemon. The water will quench your thirst and fill your stomach, turning off the hunger signal. Lemon is a natural diuretic, which can encourage the body to release fluids. While lemon’s diuretic action won’t remove fat, it can help to reduce bloat, which will help you look a bit slimmer.

3.Move. Strengthening your muscles and performing aerobic exercise to burn calories will prime your body to burn fat even when you’re sitting still. If possible, consult with a trainer, even once, to learn the best exercises to tone your particular problem areas. Some trouble spots respond well to weight loss, while others require muscle-toning exercise. The underside of the upper arms, for example, can remain jiggly after weight loss. In fact, the skin in this area can sag even more after weight loss, making targeted exercise even more important.

4. Eat healthy fats. Proteins and fats keep you full longer, and help you avoid eating the foods that will contribute to body fat. Healthy fats are found in avocados, olive oil and cold-water fish. Avoid unhealthy fats, such as those found in margarines and processed meats such as hotdogs and bologna.

5. Eat your vegetables. Yep, Mom was right. Veggies are good for you. Vegetables that contain protein are even better. These include broccoli, kale, spinach, peas, artichokes, sprouts, mushrooms, Brussels sprouts, asparagus and corn. Protein helps build muscle and gives the feeling of satiety. Vegetarian sources of protein typically contain little or no fat, so most are low in calories.

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