5 Life-Changing Beauty Hacks For Women of Color
It’s a fact that women are beautiful the world over. However, some women of color may find it difficult at times to find a suitable cosmetic when shopping at some department store makeup counters. Some makeup lines simply do not carry foundations that are dark enough. Others may lack the color foundations that can easily show up on darker skin. The following beauty hacks can help African American women achieve the ultimate beauty look.
Hack #1. If you have a darker complexion, avoid wearing makeup that’s too light. Yellow-based foundations work best for darker skin. The best applications apply when there’s no physical boundary between your skins and its makeup. When there’s difficulty finding the right color, mixing a lighter skin and darker skin color together may be just what’s needed. Brown and copper bronzers complement African American skin tones extremely well.
Hack# 2. Neutrals, earth tones, dark burgundy, and pinks are complementary colors that work well with darker skin. A little lip gloss brings it all together.
Hack #3. The darker your skin, the easier it is to use bright colors. Eyes can be accentuated with either brown or black eyeliner along with black mascara to help the lashes stand out.
Several popular makeup lines that African American women favor include IMAN Cosmetics, Cover Girl’s Queen collection line, M.A.C, Black Radiance and Fashion Fair. Combine these lines for the best beauty results.
For Beautiful Skin
Apply cocoa butter to help moisturize your skin. Proper moisturizing prevents itching and scratch which can leave a dry, flakey look. Many black women already believe they have beautiful skin, so there’s often a minimal attempt to correct or enhance it. There’s also less worry of sunburn due to a heavier coat of melanin.
For Beautiful Hair
African American women, like every culture in the world, have numerous hair types that include extremely curly, coarse, straight, thick and thin. Hair that is dry needs lots of moisture. Controlling your texture and style can be accomplished with oil treatments, conditioners, hair masques and DIY treatments in wrapping your hair in a steamed towel.
Reducing the use of chemicals reduces the chance of weakening your hair. Certain chemicals and relaxers, along with heat, can damage and dry your hair. Embracing one’s hair as is can be a celebration of ethnic heritage. More and more African American women are choosing this route and identifying with their own concept of beauty.