
The Positive Side of Medicine

10 Healthy Diet Tips From Models That Work

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10 Healthy Diet Tips From Models That Work

10 Healthy Diet Tips From Models That Work

We’ve heard it all before, the best way to achieve a fit body is with a combination of diet and exercise. It doesn’t have to be torture, and you can have fun getting there! Check out these ten tips that help keep models at the top of their game!


1. Dust off your juicer! Fresh, raw juice from fruits and vegetables you just bought at the farmer’s market will give you tons of energy to face the day. Carrot, apple and ginger juice will put a spring in your step.

2. Roll out the yoga mat and find your inner peace. Visit a yoga studio with a friend and reap the benefits. Not only will you feel more relaxed but it will help build up your core muscles.

3. Don’t eat after the sun has gone down. Once the sun has set, your metabolism slows due to lack of activity.

10 Healthy Diet Tips From Models That Work

4. Sparkling and flavored water is a great way to increase your water intake, but make sure there is no added sugar! Squeeze a fresh lime or lemon into your glass to keep water from getting boring.

5. Blast some music and start hula hooping! There are tons of video tutorials online to learn different tricks, and you can have a great time while whittling down your waistline!

6. Ride your bike everywhere and take your camera with you. There is so much we miss driving everywhere, we don’t take the time to stop and appreciate our surroundings.

7. Cup your hands together. The amount of food that could fit into both of your hands is the amount you should be eating at each meal.

8. A vegan diet will keep you looking svelte and will help save animals. Famous vegan models include Rosanna Davison, Petra Němcová, Anna de Rijk, Kat Hessen, Caroline Trentini, Hilary Rhoda and many others.

9. Try a new fruit for breakfast! Instead of heavy, sugar-coated cereals, go to your local market and try something new.

10. Take your dog for a walk. If you don’t have a dog, ask your friends or family if you can walk theirs! Not only will the dog love you for it, but you might meet someone new on your trip around the block.

The trick is to be consistent, stay active and be creative. When you’re out having a good time and staying healthy, it won’t be such a chore, it will become your new lifestyle!

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