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What Causes Love Handles? Causes of Muffin Tops in Men and Women

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What Causes Love Handles? Causes of Muffin Tops in Men and Women

What Causes Love Handles? Causes of Muffin Tops in Men and Women

Few people give a thought to the reason they have love handles. Some wonder if they were destined to have a bigger stomach or if their body is just built that way. Its a better option to stop feeling sorry for yourself and face facts. One of the common reason of What causes love handles is an unhealthy diet. No one is more responsible for love handles than ourselves.

1. Unhealthy diet

Some people may have a higher metabolism than others but your body can still be controlled by you. Don’t treat yourself every weekend if you don’t have a great metabolism, a moderate treat would not harm much.
Once you understand the reason you have love handles it may be possible for you to control them. They’re caused by extra fat around the abdomen, an accumulation of subcutaneous fat below the skin. Another layer known as visceral fat lies deep inside the body and is close to our vital organs, some of that is necessary to protect our organs and the rest is hard to get rid of. You can decrease both types of fat by maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle which will help you avoid love handles.

2.Lack of Exercise

Lack of exercise is another common cause of love handles. Someone who exercises regularly has a much lower chance of having love handles. Your hormones get re-balanced and your metabolic rate is increased by exercise, which helps to burn those love handles. Many overdo the cardio which is not advisable or necessary. Regular exercise changes our body, increases confidence, and makes us feel good.

3. Too Much Sugar

Consuming too much sugar may cause love handles. In order to lose fat your insulin levels should be kept low and your blood sugar should be balanced. Keeping control of your sugar consumption helps prevent overeating and cravings for unhealthy foods.

4. Too Much Stress

Its easy to say avoid stress but its not easy to do. Excessive stress may cause love handles. Managing stress is something that can help you reach your health goals. Stress elevates levels of cortisol which increases breakdown of muscle mass and increases fat around the middle. Adopting stress management techniques is a good idea to maintain overall health.

5. Improper sleep

Studies show that love handles are also caused by lack of sleep. Sleep derived individuals are also more prone to metabolic diseases like diabetes.

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