
The Positive Side of Medicine

12 Ways to Prevent Dry Skin With Natural Treatments

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12 Ways to Prevent Dry Skin With Natural Treatments

The skin is the largest organ of your body, accounting for more than 15% of your body weight. Its appearance reflects your age, health and general well-being. Dry skin tends to be fine, but it can flake easily and feel tight, and it is more predisposed to developing fine lines and wrinkles than other skin types.

Dry, close-textured and fine, flaky patches, tightness across cheeks and forehead, chaps easily, skin feels cracked and rough, thread veins, facial lines, wrinkles, and being prone to itching and irritation are some of the symptoms presented.

12 Ways to Prevent Dry Skin With Natural Treatments

1. Use a gentle cleanser and alcohol-free toners on your face.
2. Try to avoid soap, which tends to be drying, liquid soaps and special cream- or oil-base soaps are gentler than conventional ones.
3. Always use a night cream.
4. Use moisturizing face mask once a week.
5. Protect your skin in extreme cold, heat, and windy conditions.
6. Do not shower or take a bath more than once a day, if possible, and for no longer than 10 to 15 minutes. Using cooler water helps also.
7. Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet.
8. Drink plenty of liquids, the recommended daily intake is 8 fluid-ounce glasses of water.
9. Limit alcohol and caffeinated drinks, such as tea and coffee, they have a diuretic effect.
10. Quit smoking.
11. Fill your home with houseplants to add moisture, and place a humidifier in your bedroom in winter.
12. Protect your skin against the sun, always wear sunscreen lotion and UV blocking sunglasses.

Healthy skin is not so much matter of what you use as what you do. Your lifestyle, environment, level of exercise, and diet will all affect your skin and how it looks. Try the following skin-care natural remedies:

Mango contains retinol, or vitamin A, which helps to regenerate collagen in skin. Blend one ripe mango, one tablespoon of honey, two tablespoons of milk, and one-half cup sugar, apply to face or body and let sit for 10 minutes before rinsing.

Kiwi is rich in vitamin C and can rejuvenate tired looking skin. Blend one ripe kiwi and one tablespoon of honey, apply to face or body and let sit for 15 minutes before rinsing.

Avocados are packed with oily unsaturated fat, vitamins, and minerals. They nourish dehydrated or damaged skin. Mash one avocado and one cup or warm olive or almond oil, apply to face or body and let sit for 20 minutes before rinsing.

Carrots also contain retinol, mash one large, cooked carrot and two tablespoons of cream cheese, apply to face or body and let sit for 10-15 minutes before rinsing.

SOURCE: 1000 home remedies, safe and sensible treatments for everyday aliments, Anova Books, 2011

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